I'm not aware of any that do federation, but in terms of a self-hosted music streaming service, I'm aware of these:
More wild speculation:
- Patterns make brain release happiness hormones, because it rewards itself for correctly guessing how the pattern continues. The rewards stop when the pattern is overly repetitive, because the brain recognizes that this isn't a challenge to guess correctly. And then it also quickly becomes not worth paying attention to, because if it's not going to change, it's irrelevant to our continued survival and all.
- This applies to anything where humans perceive beauty. A painting with a consistent color scheme or technique is nice, but just a blue canvas is pretty boring. A poem that rhymes is nice, but if it rhymes twice or thrice by using precisely the same device, then it doesn't entice.
I quit Reddit many years ago, because I noticed the toxic culture was fucking with my mental health. Then I was on Mastodon for a few years. Lemmy started to exist in that timeframe and the premise sounded good, so I joined pretty early on, when there were only a handful of posts every week or so. But yeah, these days Mastodon is what I check only occasionally and this place has taken over, as I do like the format a lot more.
let memory = self.neurons.dump();
while self.asleep {
let scenario = load_real_scenario()
Ich stell's mir eben so vor, dass wenn der Feinstaub irgendwie nicht nach oben wegkommt, dass er sich dann oben zu einem gewissen Grad sammelt. Und dann ist alles, was darunter in die Luft gesprengt wird, sowohl über den direkten Weg hörbar, als auch über Reflektionen an der Feinstaubdecke, die wir sonst nicht hätten. Aber ja, kein Plan, ob das tatsächlich so zusammenhängt...
Aber wenn der Alien "Shhd" macht, dann müsste es doch leiser werden?
Hatte auch zuerst überlegt, jetzt um Mitternacht zumindest aus dem Fenster zu schauen, wenn schon alle ihr Geld in die Luft jagen. Aber der Lärm ist es absolut nicht wert...
Jo, die eigene Technik-Suppe: 10/10
Dass ständig irgendwelche Affen-Firmen mir ihre Schrott-Suppe aufzwängen wollen: -1/10
Oh wow, did they maybe search for someone with skills of a "server" and the Indeed algorithm soup got that mixed together with skills in server technologies...?
Tangentially related rant: We had a new contributor open up a pull request today and I gave their changes an initial look to make sure no malicious code is included.
I couldn't see anything wrong with it. The PR was certainly a bit short, but the task they tackled was pretty much a matter of either it works or it doesn't. And I figured, if they open a PR, they'll have a working solution.
...well, I tell the CI/CD runner to get going and it immediately runs into a compile error. Not an exotic compile error, the person who submitted the PR had never even tried to compile it.
Then it dawned on me. They had included a link to a GitHub Copilot workspace, supposedly just for context.
In reality, they had asked the dumbass LLM to do the change described in the ticket and figured, it would produce a working PR right off the bat. No need to even check it, just let the maintainer do the validation.
In an attempt to give them constructive feedback, I tried to figure out, if this GitHub Copilot workspace thingamabob had a Compile-button that they just forgot to click, so I actually watched Microsoft's ad video for it.
And sure enough, I saw right then and there, who really was at fault for this abomination of a PR.
The ad showed exactly that. Just chat a bit with the LLM and then directly create a PR. Which, yes, there is a theoretical chance of this possibly making sense, like when rewording the documentation. But for any actual code changes? Fuck no.
So, most sincerely: Fuck you, Microsoft.
Man, it really is like an extremely dense but dedicated intern. Does not question for a moment why it's supposed to make fun of an interval, but delivers a complete essay.
Just make sure to never say "let's eat Grandpa" around an AI or it'll have half the leg chomped down before you can clarify that a comma is missing.
I could never get over how boring the gameplay of Infamous looked. Comparing it to a third-person shooter is pretty apt. Like, you've got these crazy lightning powers, but 90% of the time, you just use your hand buzzer to give folks a bit of a zap. Riveting.