[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Hmm...I just finished the final posting tests for the launch of my app, I'm more of a commenter but maybe I should take it for a spin

What community would that fit in though?

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Then who will you look down on? When you life is nothing but frenemies you're in competition, when you have some reminder of the things you did to the world over money that means less than video game points, when you realize the people who cheer you actually are just cheering for the company you bought and the people you squeeze dry and discard. When you accidentally see a post from a hater and realize not only do they have a point, they also know you better than your fans.

In the quiet moments, when feelings of emptiness and anger at the world you played an active role ruining, you get to look down on them.

You must be living a great life, because just watch how they put on a smile and dance not because you'll pay well (you won't), but out of fear that your mild annoyance could wreck their life. That the kids you forced them to have could be taken because they're already on the brink of homelessness, and they need this job. The fear that just for funsies, you might make a few calls and have their life methodically torn apart.

And that's why they won't try to kill us. We keep their little dominance games less adversarial. We're not the game pieces, we're the board - and if the board shrinks there's a chance of actually losing the game.

We make them feel powerful and superior, because here's the thing - no one who has a billion dollars and keeps actively working to make more is doing it because they're happy - at that level they're not even doing it because they like the game - millionaires might enjoy it, but it's like playing poker with a 5¢ buy in - they'd be building something for free if it was about building things or making deals - they've already maxed out how lavish a life can be

No, they're doing it for respect from their peers. Because they think it'll make them respected by the people they respect, but it won't. But they were raised to believe money was worth, because what's the alternative - to recognize you deserve none of it?

No, the truth is, this world sucks for everyone. Some people find joy anyways, but most of us just have varying degrees of mental illness

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

I mean, keeping them local is easy - if anything much easier. I like the idea of summoning them, maybe a mod summoning and banishing them to have them watch a community

And bots shouldn't be acting like humans, they should be doing things only they could or should do. Like haiku bot, n-word bot, things like tallying votes for AITA, or even tracking nominations and building best of communities

They were misused on Reddit, but we can do more with them here. Probably starting a goodbot that messages admins so they can stay ahead of the inevitable bot explosion

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Hey, so it's not jerboa based and I ended up pushing it back a few weeks, but I'm now looking for beta testers on Android if you're interested

As for the name, I think I'm going with Luna for several reasons, a big one being that someone suggested it and Flemmy was the only name I could think of beforehand

I'm posting updates to !flemmy@lemmy.world for now, if you're interested I'll be posting instructions for the beta soon.

Whether you're interested or not I'd love to get feedback. I'm good with data and UX flow, but I mostly just comment - I need to learn how other people want to use Lemmy

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 19 points 1 year ago

One of my favorite things to do with chat gpt is having it rewrite things as Trump. I wasn't interested in rereading the constitution a second ago, but it's going to be tremendous, you wouldn't believe how great it's going to be

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

If you're on Android and want filters, I'm looking for beta testers for my app. I've got keyword filters that can hide or collapse posts that contain a word or phrase.. well really I have a system that is very easy to add filters to and I'm looking for feedback

If you have an idea that would work better for you, let me know

I'm finishing up testing today and spending tomorrow hopefully getting a build uploaded, let me know or check out !flemmy@lemmy.world if you're interested

Iphone build is in the works, keep an eye out for Luna for Lemmy

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

That ship has sailed... So many sites don't actually change pages, they just load different data - it's way faster and looks better

Problem is, the back button takes you off the site no matter where you are, so now you can change the URL and change the history through code to have the best of both worlds

Then, there's the people who do it badly, and there's the people who think "hey, if you need pro StarCraft level clicking speed to back out of my site, maybe for some reason that will make them decide to stay"

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

As a late millennial and a programmer, I've got you.

So when you request a web page, before anything else, the server gives you a 3 digit status code.

100s means you asked for metadata

200s mean it went ok

300s means you need to go somewhere else (like for login, or because we moved things around)

400s mean you messed up

500s mean I messed up

So this is in the 400s. Each specific code means something - you've probably seen 404, which means you asked for a page that isn't there. And maybe 405, which means you're not allowed to see this

418 means you asked for coffee, but I'm a teapot

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 0 points 2 years ago

Yeah, people will do something just for fun, to profit personally, or to spite someone

The moment they realize someone is making money off it, they start getting FOMO - humans are very loss adverse. No one wants to miss out on free money

But what if they had turned around and said, "fine, we'll start hiring you guys. You'll get paid hourly, but you'll have to do the proper paperwork, be given guidelines from corporate, reviewed on your performance regularly, and you might be relocated to undermoderated subs"?

Most of them wouldn't be into it - they don't actually want to work for Reddit, they just don't like feeling like someone else is sitting back and living off their work while they get nothing. The reality is, they're not doing a job, and they generally don't want to be (there's a difference between a job and work, especially work that benefits others vs a job protecting the cash cow)

When someone does a service for you, you act grateful and offer them lemonade and gift cards, you don't try to turn it into a job, and you sure as hell don't break their tools and ask when they'll get back to work

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 0 points 2 years ago

I think it adds character. I didnt like when they were global, but when they hung around certain subreddits it gave flavor to the place

Limited and local are the keywords here though

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 0 points 2 years ago

On the plus side, I'm about to open the beta that handles both just fine (plus a lot of features no one else is doing yet). The deadline I for myself is Saturday when the Reddit clients go down.

Unfortunately it was built by someone who lurks and comments, and I realized even though merging feeds from accounts on different servers is going to be awesome, other people like to post and I need to stop getting off track

The stress of the timeline is starting to get to me and I'm terrified no one is going to give it a chance, but I've fixed most of the things that drove me nuts in jerboa... That should count for something, right?

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