Toyota is also doing this??? I hope they sink completely too
There is an option if you really care enough about this. It works to promote a third party during the four years between presidential elections. local, state and federal elections in the middle of the electoral cycle are much more influential than is often believed and if enough people work on it, it would not be so unimaginable for a third candidate to have the proper impact. Watch the tea party and follow their example in the opposite direction.
If you don't care enough to work on it for four years, well, maybe you don't care enough
one of the funniest movies ever
I am an atheist, but this doesn't seem like a strong argument to me. The answer seems clear: He wanted Jesus to be partly human due to all that stuff about sharing our sins and so forth. It's nonsense to me, but it appears to make sense to believers.
Political parties that pay more attention to their voters than to the rich? Yes, many. Parties that fulfill that and are electorally successful? None or almost
Maybe, or maybe they have bad writers because they are not able to imagine credible stories in which Superman's strength is useless in the face of the corruption of the system and the businessmen who abuse their power, no one would believe stories like that, you need to add kryptonite to make it realistic
The British have a first past the post system and more than two parties, something else is wrong in that equation
Well, the issue of the electoral college is something that I don't fully understand, in the end from Europe I follow American politics relatively, but the English also have the first past the post system and they have more than one party.
Perhaps it would be necessary to start setting it up from more local elections or to the Congress/Senate, where a small but more mobilized mass could be relevant. With a relevant percentage representation in the chambers and/or state positions it could stop being crazy.
I don't know, it's an outside opinion, maybe it's impossible, but if it is then American democracy is not only dysfunctional, it wouldn't be a democracy at all, It would be a plutocracy with all the letters
I don't know, I have never lived in the United States, but I would like to think that there are still enough intelligent people for a third party to position itself as a real alternative and end up completely replacing the Democratic Party, which will leave two parties again, now that I think it
Energy needed to leave your planetary system vs energy available on your planet of origin.
We have not yet overcome it and I am not sure that we will achieve it.
I completely agree, what I'm saying is that even if I could actually buy it, or when this was possible, I would still not have ethical problems with "sailing the seas" nor do I think anyone should have those problems, I say again, the intellectual property belongs to billion-dollar companies
I don't have enough knowledge to argue with your words. A couple of years ago Germany introduced an electric tank. When the armies make requests for one option or another we will have the real answer