Good ol' Bobby Tables
They appear to be mistaking the shorthand for the Supreme Court ruling to be the name of a law. In fairness, bills do often have overly patriotic names that hide their paradoxical purposes.
His whole butt, even. With both Ts.
Apparently he would do all three of becoming a cybernetic dictator ruler of the illuminati, while also plunging humanity into a dark age without technology, but also connect them all to one consciousness.
I'd like to take a moment so sit right there while we discuss most of the history of anime localization.
I'd have loved Bernie to be in the general... ever, but it just isn't what happened and pretending it was some conspiracy just isn't healthy. The candidate you're in love with doesn't always resonate with everyone else, and that's okay.
That sounds reasonable and so it's probably not even remotely close to what actually happens.
Over time I see less and less of the need to be like "lol I don't like who I'm voting for, but I feel like I have to." I see absolutely no regret in 1) voting against obviously they worst thing ever and 2) voting for someone who seems to a least try to do things that aren't horrible and are generally pretty good? They only time you're going to agree with everything a candidate says or does you'd be on the ballot yourself. Even then it's probably healthy to disagree with yourself a bit.
I'm just a civic minded citizen with a lot of time on his hands.