[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 4 points 3 weeks ago

I have no great desire to be remembered. It is neither here nor there from my point of view. As to how people are likely to remember me, 'quiet' and 'intelligent' are two words that crop up a lot from people who I interact with casually or occasionally. Those who know be better would probably focus on my environmental and conservation work etc.

Related to that, due to the role that I played in stopping an area being sold for development and instead becoming designated as a nature reserve on one occasion, there is a meadow that is casually called after me by some people that I worked with. I suppose that I would be happy to be remembered as a meadow.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 5 points 1 month ago

It gave me a starting point for a terms of reference document for a Green Champions group that I set up at work. That is the only beneficial thing that I can recall.

I have tried to find other uses, but so far nothing else has actually proven up to scratch. I expect that I could have spent more time composing and tweaking prompts and proofreading the output, but it takes as long as writing the damned documents myself.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 5 points 4 months ago

I've had the same number for 24 years now. I have only ever had a handful of spam calls in total over that time.

I probably get one a month or so on my work number.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 5 points 1 year ago

Use Pritt or a rubber band or something to fix a 3mm A6 plastic or plywood sheet to the back of the notebook?

Or, you can buy A6 clipboards.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 4 points 1 year ago

The 'original' game: Why Don't You - Yes But was the one that I first recognised in myself. There are plenty of other examples on that website, but as the page says, it doesn't have the full explanation and context.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 4 points 1 year ago

I've had 17 days off in total, using up leave. That was great, but came back this week hoping for a slow start while I actually remembered anything at all about what I am supposed to be getting paid for.

Oh no, not a chance: "Update your budgets by the end of the day!" "Deal with this damage caused by Henk!", "Your contractors haven't been paid by accounts, so won't come out and do anything. Sort it out!", "We're auditing your climate actions - update them now!", "Do your team's PDRs!" etc etc.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 4 points 1 year ago

Finnegans Wake. I read it across the year with an online group. It was always on the edge of incomprehensibility - often well over the edge - but it definitely had a impact.

This year's 'big read' will be the Chinese classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms I'm just about to make a start.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 4 points 1 year ago

Ostention, which I occasionally use in its folkloric sense, is one that I can hardly ever bring to mind at the critical moment.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 4 points 1 year ago

Not sure about the whole idea of being proud of something. It seems to me that it is a concept that evaporates when you look closely at it.

However I am pleased with the role that I played in getting some meadows that were going to be sold off for housing included a nature reserve instead when I was the ranger for the site.

I'd created some good toad breeding habitat nearby and then I put in a lot of my own time in building a volunteer group and recording in detail where the toads went and how they used the land - including the area that was going to be sold - over the course of a few years. It turned out to be the largest recorded toad colony of its type in the UK one year. The data was a critical point in the final decision by the local authority.

The thing about being proud is that it seems odd to be proud of something over which you have no control. Well, OK, I did have control here: I chose to spend my time in doing this, certainly. But I can be quite determined about things like that - that is down to my temperament. Do I actually have control of my temperament - or was I just born that way? Even if I have developed my own temperament over the years - wouldn't that simply be because I was born with the capability of developing it? And so on and so on. Ultimately it always seems to boil down to something over which I really couldn't say that I have any control.

But I can be pleased at any of those, no matter what.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 5 points 1 year ago

I saw this around the time it was first released. One of the most memorable cartoons I have ever seen, I think. Excellent.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 4 points 1 year ago

A) - it wasn't private - it was a nature reserve and I was the warden and B) - I kinda intended this in an "...and I EVEN lived on an island..." way.

[-] GreyShuck@feddit.uk 4 points 1 year ago

Right now? I'd hardly notice. I get paid tomorrow. This time tomorrow would be a bit better. Even better if it was this time tomorrow and the joint account too, that would be a lot better.

None of it would actually be life changing though. It would just make up for our recent house move and all the associated stuff really.

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