[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 day ago

Would your insurance have covered it? Did other people also get it as soon as Trump did?

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 2 points 1 day ago

Cooking and outdoor BBQ seems to be a match, but even so, even talking about hobbies can be nice. Just ask him about how it's going what bands he likes, and see if you can take him to a concert or get him an album for example. He'll enjoy the concert, you'll be there for the time spent together. Or the painting-woodworking thing someone said.

I think the trick is to approach it from an angle of "I want to participate in your hobby with you", and see what you can bring to it, and that might get him hooked on reciprocating. Trying to get him to go first with doing the same might more likely result in disinterest.

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 2 points 2 days ago

What was the special circumstance for which Trump got that treatment? Would you have had the option to also get it?

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 11 points 2 days ago

When Trump got COVID five years ago, he got treatment that is still not available to the general public.

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 4 points 3 days ago

No, it's the conclusion of the paper cited in your source. The supposed proCoV2 is 3 base pairs away from Wuhan-1, and is 1100 base pairs away from other human-infecting SARS strains.

Basically there was another similar virus that had the same spike proteins - if you remember the photos, the virus is a spiked ball, the antibodies bond to the spikes. It was a precursor to the Wuhan strain, so basically the fact that there were antibodies in Italy before the Wuhan outbreak just means that similar shit was going around the world before, but not the same shit.


Because proCoV2 is three bases different from the Wuhan-1 genome, we estimate that the divergence of the earliest variants of proCoV2 occurred 5.8–8.1 weeks earlier, based on the range of estimated mutation rates of coronavirus genomes (see Materials and Methods). This timeline puts the presence of proCoV2 in late October 2019, which is consistent with the report of a fragment of spike protein identical to Wuhan-1 in early December in Italy, among other evidence (Giovanetti et al. 2020; Li, Wang, et al. 2020; van Dorp et al. 2020; Amendola et al. 2021). The sequenced segment of the spike protein is short (409 bases). It does not span positions in which 49 major early variants were observed, which means that the Italian spike protein fragment can only confirm the existence of proCoV2 before the first coronavirus detection in China.

I haven't said anything about labs. Nobody treats the lab theory as a "proven fact". But it is a proven fact that the specific strain that got dubbed COVID-19 first appeared in the general vicinity of Wuhan.

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Same source says that it definitely came to Europe from China though, a few paragraphs lower:

These findings do not at all suggest that the virus originated in Italy, but they endorse the idea that the virus was likely spreading in China before the first known cases and that could have been circulated by travelers given direct the connections between China and European and US countries, particularly the Northern West and East Italian regions, which are among the most industrialized and connected areas of Italy. Evidence used to support this hypothesis comes from a comparative genomic analysis of more than 175,000 genomes, which delineated 22 distinct SARS-CoV-2 haplogroups with a broad geographic distribution within China, pointing towards an early emergence and widespread cryptic circulation of the virus well before its isolation in January 2020 [25]. Recently, Kumar et al. reconstructed the mutational history of SARS-CoV-2 using a so called ‘mutation order approach’ (MOA) [26]. From their analysis of more than 174,000 genomes, major mutational fingerprints revealed that it is useful to identify and track the spatiotemporal evolution of novel coronavirus. The progenitor genome identified differed from that of the first coronaviruses sampled in China by three variants, implying that none of the earliest patients represents the index case or gave rise to all human infections. However, multiple coronavirus infections in China, the USA and Europe harbored the progenitor genetic fingerprint in January 2020 and later, suggesting that the progenitor was spreading worldwide months before.

A recently published letter by Petti et al. summarizes existing evidence that corroborates the infectious disease epidemiology principle of pathogen circulation prior to the recognized outbreak [27]. The eventuality of an early SARS-CoV-2 circulation already relatively sustained in Europe and America is not so astonishing, as SARS-CoV-2 is mainly a respiratory pathogen. Therefore, a novel unknown respiratory virus responsible for severe pneumonia like SARS-CoV-2 could circulate undetected for months or years, be responsible for many deaths, and even become a pandemic, before peculiar characteristics of the disease are noticed that allow for its identification.

Looks as if the original virus that definitely came from China caused less severe symptoms and was not detected, but still caused infections thus antibody findings.

Did China do transparent peer-reviewed research into this?

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 5 points 3 days ago

He said it was feminist propaganda because the two main characters didn’t need men and the story didn’t end with a marriage

Just like Alice in Wonderland in 1951, but I suppose the 50s were woke too.

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 16 points 4 days ago

Well, some people in Lebanon disagree

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 13 points 4 days ago

The US kinda proved its laws aren't worth the paper they're printed on. It's like "but Putin isn't allowed to run for President again".

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 8 points 4 days ago

Can you put a source to that?

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 16 points 4 days ago

I love how Vance is now VVP.

[-] HK65@sopuli.xyz 15 points 4 days ago

The point is to ban everything and lose track so that when they don't like you, they can always find something you did that was banned.

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