Meh, hate the game not the player. Sein content ist gut, und nur aufgrund der thumbnails / video Titel würde ich es nicht von der Hand weisen.
Kann da sehr den YouTube Kanal von Geld für die Welt empfehlen. Der maurice erklärt sehr pointiert wo das Problem in Deutschland derzeit ist (tl;dr: keine Inventionen in Deutschland in den letzten 20 Jahren dank schuldenbremse; arme & Mittelschicht haben kein Geld zum ausgeben, damit schrumpft die Wirtschaft).
You had someone to take care of you 24/7, always there for you. Cleaning, cooking, buying shit, etc. your parents were managing the household so you could learn.
Look at children that didn’t have such support - they would perform much worse, usually.
Ever went on a business trip or conference and stayed in a hotel? You will be surprised how much you get done in one day. Except the hotel can’t provide you with love :’)
Klingt super, in welchem 3-Sterne Restaurant arbeitest du? ;-)
Tja, Wahlen helfen. Jetzt wo bolsonaro raus ist, läuft das auch wieder.
Das kriegen wir deutschen auch hin oder :-)
Have owned one for 2 years. I have made precisely one trip where I was mildly inconvenienced by having to charge one times too many. (That trip was >700km long).
All of the other times it has been amazing. Don’t overthink it too much, really. Just look at all the electric car owners out there - there’s enough of them and as far as I know no one is complaining.
Go for it.
„Biden is projected to lose“ is spun a bit negatively for a 49-51 split, no?
Basically it’s anyone’s game now, and it will come down to extremely few votes in the end.
Überlege doch nur, wie schlimm es gewesen wäre, wenn wir dann auch noch Milliardäre besteuern würden!