For what? Nobody takes anarchists seriously
My favorite is when some dumb ass company asks me to fax something. Like bitch...I haven't had a land line in over 20 years, much less a fax machine. There is this new thing called email, perhaps you've heard of it?
I haven't looked in awhile... But has the API for Lemmy been implemented? If so, it should be pretty easy to port over.
They are getting fined for not storing it in Russia. They are storing it outside if Russia. So they aren't "not storing it"... They just aren't storing it where Russia can get at it easily.
Your task has failed successfully
I do pills. Personally, it's because a pill releases it all at once and coffee is a dose over time, making the effect less.
Also, my pills are tempered with L-Theanine to blunt the jitters.
The earth slows down stops then starts spinning again. Gravity would become weaker and weaker one side of the earth would be perpetual night and the other side perpetual day the atmosphere would dissipate into space along with anything loose on the surface which includes all the water we have all life would perish. Slowly, as the earth starts to spin again gravity might pull some of its materials back down but hardly enough to make a difference. The earth would be a barren wasteland.
Why would gravity become weaker and things float off into space? Gravity has nothing to do with the earth spinning. It's a property of mass. The mass of the earth wouldn't change because it stops spinning.
Tides would stop. One side would heat up, the other side would cool down. The diurnal cycle of animals and plants would cause havoc, but the planet itself wouldn't have a huge issue. Everything on it, yes, but that's because the ecosystem is built around the flow around the planet, not because of the physical motion.
The planet has been slowly slowing down for millennia and will eventually stop.
The cloudflare tunnel is the reverse proxy in this case. No particular need to run another. Are you using the docker cloudflared to set up the tunnel?
In my case, I use NGINX that connects to the cloudflare side and parse everything out from there, and I haven't used the cloudflared docker, but I imagine that makes things easier. I set everything up before Cloudflare tunnels were a thing, so I didn't really want to rejigger everything. If were doing it from scratch, I'd probably go with Cloudflare.
Inb4 the Cloudflare is Bad and is a MITM attack people. Yes, it is, but it's about opportunity cost. I'm not doing anything I care that Cloudflare sees, so I'm fine using it for simplicity sake, and I imagine they do a better job of security than I do, and I can manage stuff on a well configured dashboard instead of a command line. I'm more interested in blocking people who AREN'T cloudflare from screwing with my shit than I am in keeping Cloudflare out of my business. I use a VPN for things I don't want to run through Cloudflare (like Torrents).
Why do you continue to use if you are having that kind of issue?
Things that didn't happen for $200, Alex.
Which country expects you to have a driver's license to identify yourself? It's certainly not the US.
Because it forces you to be in a specific place at a specific time otherwise. I don't even live in the state I'm registered to vote in.