It's not surprising at all. He blocked Jesse Ventura from unionizing the WWF back in the 80s, and the Republican party is the home for scabs.

We're a week into Kamala's candidacy. Things are going to change around very quickly.

For now, this is a promising sign, but it doesn't mean Trump is done. There's still a long way to go until November.

[-] 13 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The thing is, normalcy bias prevents people from listening when you call them rapists, fascists, totalitarians, and all those other things they actually are. But "weird"? Weird is obvious, and it cuts into the Republican brand to the bone.

Trump's whole appeal is based on a fiction of him representing the common man; the "blue collar billionaire". More than that, the Republican party has built their entire brand for decades on a sort of radical normalcy, on being the voice of the "silent majority", on being the representatives of "real America" against those latte liberal elites from the coasts. "Weird" takes all the wind out of those sails. They don't actually represent middle America; they're way too out there for that. And it's long past time somebody said so.

And I sincerely doubt Austinites are going to flock to Trump because of the "weird" thing. Austinites are the kind of weird that Republicans have been trying to suppress for decades, and they know it.

She'll be old enough before the inauguration, she's eligible.

The Walt Disney Company is awful, true, but do not make the mistake of thinking they are uniquely awful. This is every company. This is the world we live in. The whole damn system is rotten to the core, and the people with the power to fix it either do nothing to do so or deliberately make it worse for their own benefit.

We kinda do need these articles. These people push a narrative that they're just "concerned about the children" and trying to save them from "groomers" (ie anyone who allows them the freedom and agency to figure themselves out and express themselves). Articles like this poke holes in the image they project, and show them for the monsters they really are.

Yes, you already know they're monsters. So do I. But clearly, not everyone has gotten the message yet, and if we ignore their monstrous acts and words, those people will be left to listen to the narrative they do get.

The Satanic Temple has had a lot of success using their logic against them. Their actions have triggered a lot of these laws to be either repealed or nullified by the courts.

Of course, with the courts being stacked by rightists now and making blatantly political, precedent-defying rulings on the regular, who knows if they'll be able to keep it up.

Sure, right.

You're giving these vibes right now:

[-] 13 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

It's amazing... When the Columbine shooting happened, the world stopped.

Today, it's just another Tuesday.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Perhaps, then, we shouldn't accept conservatives or their religions.

[-] 13 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

What's fascinating there is that not only does the Talmud identify eight genders, but two of them specify having changed their gender presentation through human intervention - precisely the type of intervention that the Pope is decrying here.

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