So what you're saying is that the AI is the artist, not the prompter. The AI is performing the labor of creating the work, at the request of the prompter, like the hypothetical art student you mentioned did, and the prompter is not the creator any more than I would be if I kindly asked an art student to paint me a picture.

In which case, the AI is the thing that gets the authorial credit, not the prompter. And since AI is not a person, anything it authors cannot be subjected to copyright, just like when that monkey took a selfie.

Hm. Of the three companies named, the only one I did business with is Lowe's.


Oh, they weren't investing for a direct monetary return, I'm sure. Anyone with eyes could see Truth Social is a dumpster fire.

No, they were looking for political returns, and those are looking more and more risky.

Fucking right wingers, freaking out over a Halloween mask.

If you're going to tell me it's a severed head, there better be a bloody stump at the bottom.

You're right, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. And in that spirit, I will treat these complaints exactly the way right wingers treat it when others point out that they're being offensive and gross.

In other words, I will mock you for being offended and suggest that you're trying to kill free speech any time you try to voice your point of view.

I'll admit to mispronouncing her name on occasion myself, but mostly because I associate it with two other figures who did/do pronounce it Ka-MAH-luh. I have to make an effort to get it right for her. But I am making that effort. And I have little doubt that these assholes are not.

I'm kind of afraid that I'll mispronounce it in mixed company and make someone who doesn't know me well think I'm one of those weird Republicans or something.

[-] 19 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm aware of this, but again, people don't always figure themselves out the first time. We are messy beasts.

Technically, she wasn't old enough to run until this year.

More practically, we have a center-right party and a fascist party in this country. The center-right party has a few actual leftists in it, but they tend not to gain much power.

I'll be proud of America again when America starts being the place my parents, teachers, etc. told me it was. The place where all are created equal, where anybody can succeed, where you can be anything you want to be, where the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to be free can come to live their dreams.

Right now, I feel like I was sold a bill of goods, and the lie only becomes more obvious with every passing day.

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a climate is a good guy with a gun.

[-] 19 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

"He's fucking ancient, so he probably has dementia."

"No, he's actually middle-aged."

"Ah, well, nevertheless..."

Not disputing what you're saying about the horrors of the mental health system in this country, but learn to take the L.

I've had to argue with people who claimed trans women had an unfair advantage in professional wrestling.

Professional wrestling.

Let that sink in for a second.

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