[-] ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca 20 points 5 hours ago

Managing updates, versions, mods, and settings can be done from a launcher instead of the game itself and it's often easier that way. If you wanted to adjust mods in-game you'd need to restart the game for changes to take effect.

Before Steam became the universal launcher, lots of games had their own. Minecraft isn't a Steam game so it comes with its own launcher.

[-] ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca 26 points 11 hours ago

Jessie: I've been thinking of dating other men

James: Me too!

[-] ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca 31 points 1 day ago

And he's set to retire. Or maybe he's already retired. Been a while since I've read about that.

David Mills is dead, but there are other people.

The mirror is showing you the reverse side of the card

Yup! See the guy's finger is on the reverse side of the card? It's touching the N on the right side of your view. If you looked at it from where the mirror is, you'd see the guy's finger touching the N, but now it's on the left side of your view. Because you flipped, not the writing.

The context for the original quote is Jesus speaking to a "young ruler". The young ruler asks if he will be judged as a good person. He follows all the religious laws and is very pious. Jesus tells him to sell his possessions and give the money to the poor. Jesus promises the man that his reward will be great in heaven, but the young ruler cannot bring himself to do it.

I don't see this as Jesus telling everyone to live in poverty. This is Jesus testing the man's faith. Even though Jesus himself promises the man a reward for giving up his possessions, he doesn't trust Jesus. He doesn't have faith that his actions will be rewarded in heaven. The warning isn't that having possessions is inherently evil, but that one can be so tied to their Earthly possessions they can refuse a direct request by Jesus himself.

In addition to being a flipped image

Common misconception. Mirrors reflect images, but do not flip them. If you put two items next to each other, their order is preserved in the reflection, not inverted.

The reason people think mirrors are flipped is because writing on shirts appear backwards, but that's because your shirt is facing the wrong direction. Write a word on something clear and hold it up to a mirror. It's not flipped. Put the word up against your chest like it was written on your shirt. Notice how you flipped the word in order to do that.

I quoted the Bible because the image in the OP is Luigi in the style of a saint. I'm not religious.

If I said "the Sun is hot" and you said "if you live on Earth you experience temperatures hotter than most of the universe" you also wouldn't be wrong. You'd be Neil deGrasse Tyson. Most of the universe is -270°C. Earth is 15°C. The sun is 1,000,000°C. No matter how you look at it, the Sun is hot. The Earth is only hot if you purposefully compare it to cold things.

1/3 of the world make $2 a day. I made about $137 a day. Thompson made $27,945 a day. I am $135/d away from the poorest and $27,808/d away from Thompson. I'm not sure what the goal is of saying I am rich compared to the poor when I am 205x closer to being the world's poorest than I am to being a multi-millionare, let alone one of the approx. 2,700 billionaires in the world.

[-] ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Anyone who gives steam $100 can upload ~~as many "games"~~ any "game" they want. There is no quality control.

It's a common scam to throw some free assets together to make "collect coin" and then swap the coin asset out with a stick and call it "collect stick" and then swap out the stick with a brick and call it "collect brick" then upload all of them to Steam and bundle them into a 50 game pack with a sale price of $100 (95% off!) and hope someone buys the collection thinking they're getting 50 real games at a steep discount.

Here's an example. It's a 33 game bundle for 99% off its original price of $8,579! They're all the same "game" with different free assets made by the same dev who uploaded 167 versions of this "game" to steam on March 28, 2024 and priced each around $200.

[-] ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca 101 points 2 days ago

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God

Matthew 19:24

[-] ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca 4 points 2 days ago

Is "Mistress" a chess title?

[-] ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca 54 points 3 days ago

I worked at a small business that hired on a new guy. After a few days he asked us if we've noticed the owner and secretary were a little..."close". I guess nobody told him the owner and secretary were married.

[-] ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca 85 points 5 days ago

I received a framed picture of my parents, from my parents. They said it was because I didn't have a picture of them hung up in my house.

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