Lol @ the Gearbox CEO defending the DLC
My favorite artists, performers, and entertainers have all made things I didn’t like so much. It’s cool. When artists have a miss, that’s when they need fans the most to root them on so they are motivated to keep creating. I don’t know if I will ever make anything again that you like, but wouldn’t it be better for you to have that chance to decide than for artists to never create again after a marketplace miss?
This isn't his game. He bought a game other people created and then made a shitty DLC, probably in an effort to cash in on the name and success of the original. That's not what artists do, that's what out of touch CEOs do.
The meme is usually disapproval of something followed by approval of something that basically the same thing. The approval is of a CEO being murdered, but advocating violence is against the rules so the "approval" has been removed by moderators.