I don't care if these anti vax idiots kill themselves, I care that they are killing people with weakened immune systems or children that are either too young to get them or they didn't vaccinate them. This is all 100% the fault tRump and Russian propaganda, it's sad soo many fall for it.
So it's the dementia huh. How do his supporters feel about that? Or they suffering from it too?
Illegal to make threats isn't it? More bullshit from the party of law and order. Domestic terrorists they all are.
34 time felon. The "christian" party of law and order is going to have a lot to answer for voting for a cheating husband, lier, and now a felon x34. Just to name enough that if it was a Democrat the republikkklows would have pitch forks and fire ready while losing their fucking minds.
This will not make the proud boys happy. Chicken ass bitches.
Lets check this persons bank account and see what the credit card companies gave them.
Next week: Youtube has removed all videos. You will now watch ads only. It's really no different than what you're doing now.
He just got kicked off the billionaire list... He's a broke bitch. Personally I can't wait for Putin to come collect the half a billion he owes.
What a fucking clown.
Then shocked pikachu face when everybody goes back to the high seas.
Hard fucking pass.