[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 5 months ago

I have an orangepi zero 3 with pihole

Then an ITX PC with

  • mealie (meal planner, recipe parser, grocery list maker with a bunch of features and tools)

  • immich for self hosting a google photos alternative

  • *arr stack for torrenting Linux ISOs

  • Jellyfin for LAN media playing

  • home assistant for my VW car, our main hanging renovation lights, smoke and CO monitors, and in the future, all of the KNX smart systems in our house

  • Syncthing for syncing photo backup and music library with phone

  • Bookstack for a wiki, todos, journal, etc... (Because I didn't want to install better services for journals when I don't use it much)

  • paperless-ngx for documents

  • leantime for managing my personal projects, tasks, and timing

  • Valheim game server

  • Calibre-web for my eBook library backup

  • I had nextcloud but it completely broke on an update and I can't even see the login fields anymore, it just loads forever until it takes down my network and server, so I ditched it since I never used it anyway

  • crowdsec for much better (preemptive) security than fail2ban

  • traefik for reverse proxy

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 5 months ago

To be honest. I think all famous people right now are preparing for the real possibility of a fascist dictatorship in america very soon.

They are trying to stay off of Trump's assassination list. If they stay in the mode of "we condemn violence towards trump" then trumps ego doesn't get hurt by them and they end up having a mysterious heart attack, drug overdose, or 3 in the back of the head "suicide"

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 9 months ago

Yes and they sold shitty generic bluetooth earbuds that they pulled from the market a year and a half later with 0 support when they were almost ready to launch their Bluetooth headphones.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 9 months ago

That has absolutely 0 relevance to this post lol. Smite has literally always been Windows only.

Smite devs are very mediocre bordering on inept. It took themike a year and a half of multiple attempts to get EAC working for Linux. Crashing is prevalent on both windows and proton in smite 1.

If smite devs took on a native Linux port, it would be an absolute garbage dumpster fire filled with never fixed bugs, incompatibility, probably an unusable amount of crashes. I'd rather play decently through proton than experience that BS.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 10 months ago

Mild depression

Renovating a house.

Deadly combo. I still play a couple hours a week some weeks because it is how I keep in touch with my friend group since I am on another continent. Exclusively shitty multiplayer games like cs2 and Smite though because that is what we can play flexibly with 2-5 people. We haven't found any other option

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 10 months ago

They have a new site now which is one of the fastest sites I have been to in probably 5 years. It is full of information and has pretty much all test results from all videos.

It was a complete redesign and relaunch in late 2023. They want to now keep it fully updated, 0 ads, and not needing to rely on the video content.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Updated Opensuse tumbleweed via the updator just after installation and a reboot. Broke Grub for the following reboot and had to completely rebuild GRUB

How could I have been so stupid? I should have never updated my system.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 1 year ago

This, my friends, is why the speculative stock market and company valuations is complete and utter bullshit.

It literally has 0 basis in reality. It has only to do with how good at marketing the company and its exec board is to shareholders and hedge funds.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 1 year ago

Belgium here, PM2.5 levels are pretty much costantly above 20μg/L during the summer. 50% more if you live in a city like Leuven.

I wonder what levels of PM10 vs 2.5 or more NO2 or so will cause worse effects?

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 1 year ago

New cases with slide out keyboards like the old LG Ally incoming? 😂

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 1 year ago
  • PowerUPP: GUI functional AMD GPU configurator for all voltage configuration, frequency tuning, SoC and memory frequency and voltage tuning

  • CoreCtrl: GUI usually-functional AMD GPU configurator. Fan curves, over and under clocking, power profiles, frequency and voltage tuning

You have to enable 'amd.ppfeaturemask=0xffffffff' in your boot options, but that is clearly stated in the user guide.

For sound, PAVUcontrol or the KDE volume setting GUI have been able to fix 80%-90% of my audio issues. I haven't used a command line for audio in a long time.

I agree that GUIs make it easier for mass-adoption but things not working out of the box and having to search for solution is just as much of a Windows problem as Linux. If someone has non-standard hardware, it is always a bigger problem to switch to another system. Windows still will randomly shut off my Yeti microphone input and switch to my monitor with no microphone as the system microphone on boot sometimes.

The difference is in windows for weird setups you have to run obscure possible virus runme.msi from 2015 where linux you have to put in an obscure command that you aren't sure what it does from a forum post from 2015. The only one that has mostly nailed that down is OSX.

[-] JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

No it doesn't. But the same people who whine and cry about people using whataboutism in favor of China do the EXACT same thing in favor of the US.

They are both shit. Everyone is tired of each side pretending that only one side is shit.

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