Interesting. For me it was a set and forget. I check the change notes before updating every month or so, make a very small change to the yaml compose, and I am back in action in under 10 minutes.
Different experiences I guess.
Interesting. For me it was a set and forget. I check the change notes before updating every month or so, make a very small change to the yaml compose, and I am back in action in under 10 minutes.
Different experiences I guess.
True, but the UI reflects that they still use source forge lol. Still the best open source camera.
The key is to become famous and create hype around your gambling bet so other people artificially inflate the value so that you have a "theoretical" $60 billion.
Guess what? Just like 50% of all bad things about America, Reagan happened.
America used to have regulations on the media. Reagan abolished them in his attempt to make the entire world a dogshit corporate dystopian hellscape.
To be honest. I think all famous people right now are preparing for the real possibility of a fascist dictatorship in america very soon.
They are trying to stay off of Trump's assassination list. If they stay in the mode of "we condemn violence towards trump" then trumps ego doesn't get hurt by them and they end up having a mysterious heart attack, drug overdose, or 3 in the back of the head "suicide"
That has absolutely 0 relevance to this post lol. Smite has literally always been Windows only.
Smite devs are very mediocre bordering on inept. It took themike a year and a half of multiple attempts to get EAC working for Linux. Crashing is prevalent on both windows and proton in smite 1.
If smite devs took on a native Linux port, it would be an absolute garbage dumpster fire filled with never fixed bugs, incompatibility, probably an unusable amount of crashes. I'd rather play decently through proton than experience that BS.
Mild depression
Renovating a house.
Deadly combo. I still play a couple hours a week some weeks because it is how I keep in touch with my friend group since I am on another continent. Exclusively shitty multiplayer games like cs2 and Smite though because that is what we can play flexibly with 2-5 people. We haven't found any other option
Hey, I have used freecad a lot. FreeCAD is good, not great as a cad software. But it is the only truly "no strings attached." The problem with it was development was almost at a standstill for things that actually mattered. A new company has formed around commercializing it and are working with the original Dev team.
Updated UI, topological naming fix, some assembly and actual functional defaults were promised for Q1 2024 and releasing it as a 1.0 version.
I think it is worth it to learn how to use right now as in the next 2 years it should become an actual viable CAD alternative for things outside of simple projects.
I wouldn't try parametric models in freecad. They use a really really bad spreadsheet reference system that recalculates you model, not on every change, but every CLICK which means that when you have a variable that is reference more than 10 times or so, it begins to take longer and longer to even start to enter a new value. One time it took 5+ minutes just to get into the spreadsheet cell before even being able to edit its contents.
For parametric, use OpenSCAD (or openscad in freecad) until they implement actual, working variables.
And yet this was all done by the "national Retain Federation".
Literally complain, yell, cry, and fire people because of unions and yet they are in a corporate Union themselves.
Unions work.
As someone who is at around a high B2/low C1 level in Dutch now and moved to Belgium and used dualingo in the beginning I have a bit of insight into it.
It doesn't do shit for grammar and sentence structure, but it builds vocabulary. If you learn only with dualingo, you will probably make a lot of mistakes, flipped adverbs, verbs in the wrong place, sentence structure errors, etc...
It definitely made me feel like I could speak Dutch because I could read it MUCH better after 1/2 of the dualingo course, but then when I moved, speaking was pretty bad and I had only moved up to an A2 level with the vocab of maybe B1. You definitely cannot become semi-fluent or fluent with dualingo. It doesn't teach, it only helps practice what you have already been taught.
This, my friends, is why the speculative stock market and company valuations is complete and utter bullshit.
It literally has 0 basis in reality. It has only to do with how good at marketing the company and its exec board is to shareholders and hedge funds.
Still doesn't seem to work.
Tribalism + fearmongering propaganda + times of financial hardships is more effective than education.
See: afd popularity in germany