If they can distract you, they can take more from you.
"You'll cum within 40 seconds by using this iPhone."
Clarence Thomas: heavy breathing
The fuck Simon Says argument is this? Are we in kindergarten?
"Your honor I feared for my life, you should have seen the dinner she made, it was subpar at best."
Triggering the apocalypse? Yes please!
Triggering an orgasm? Satan's work.
The Sonic drowning music pops in my head randomly during other stressful situations.
It's like my brain has the worst possible soundtrack.
The Windows key? I use it constantly.
Windows + Left/Right to dock screens, Windows + E for a quick file explorer, Windows + X for settings and dev options, Windows + P to adjust your second monitor, I'm sure there's other hotkeys as well.
The people at the top have forgotten that free and fair elections are the alternative to violence.
The crazies prefer hurting the other party to both party and country.
+16 HP
-100 Dignity
"I don't care for Eric."