How long until this trickles down into the major distros?
Being a loser sounds pretty great actually.
The Virustotal results are concerning though.
Whenever I'm forced to use Edge for work it reminds me of old IE that your grandma installed the Ask toolbar in. Functions about the same too.
What we're currently calling AI isn't AI but just a language processing system that takes its best guess at a response from it's database of information they pilfered from the internet like a more sophisticated Google.
It can't really think for itself and it's answers can be completely wrong. There's nothing intelligent about it.
Linux Mint is one of the best ways to take an old business laptop from a few years ago and turn it into a nice, functional and smooth running device. I have been doing this myself too.
It's not like the profession has been treating them with any more respect anyway.
Why not just fuck him in front of all the plushies and tell him he's a naughty exhibitionist then leave?
Imagine if we just paid teachers better so that they didn't sometimes resort to this to make ends meet. Nah, let's persecute the poor teacher instead!
I miss the days of Ubuntu being a new upstart and Mark Shuttleworth going into space and being cool. I was involved with the project a bunch back then and even talked to him briefly once online.
There's been a lot of poor decisions honestly since then unfortunately and I haven't used Ubuntu in a while.
Police already stole the cash..
cough steam deck cough