Yeah, nah, I'm not gonna pay 10x the price for a knockoff arduino from a local seller that just buys it from AliExpress anyway. There's no better place to get electronic components and modules without bankrupting yourself
Use Microsoft authenticator on your account, it won't stop people from trying to access your account but you'll stop getting these and it's generally safer than any kind of email based 2fa
I get that. I do the same often enough. I went from an outgoing fun person to an anxious shut in that is scared of people.
I hope you find that part of yourself that you lost.
Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes..
Based on the colour, it looks like us south Africans still spend tons of time on our phones.
South Africa has 11 official languages and some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet.
You could replace Autodeak with Adobe in your post and it'd be exactly the same. These companies are pieces of shit.
That's exactly what the thought police would say.
I doubt I'll switch any time soon, I use Linux for work and have a dislike for how small issues turn into hours of troubleshooting, but anyway, not the point. I think something that deters a lot of people are the really vocal people who shove it down others throats and treat people who don't want to switch like idiots.
We all have our reasons, I'll keep using Win10 until it becomes too much of a security risk and then reevaluate my options. For now I enjoy having shit that just works, for example, I use Cura, it hasn't had a working Linux release in years, there's a lot of deterrents for the layperson or those who have to troubleshoot and struggle to get shit working for a job and couldn't be arsed to do it in their personal time.
Ah, also, some things I see in these comments I don't really deal with because I use enterprise edition. MS I believe is smart enough to not fuck with their enterprise customers as that's where their profits are, so I guess my experience is slightly different (I was also an MS SysEng for ~12 years)
I'm constantly "coming out", every time someone finds out I'm a lesbian. The whole idea is a bit dumb.
Not saying it's okay in any way but Google does this with Chrome all the time on Amy Google page
I work in tech and it's honestly exhausting trying to keep up. I already feel this way tbh, it's a non stop procession into the future.
Let us not forget confluence