I told my manager that I've been burned and can't make myself work hard for another company again. She's leaving so there's no vested interest in the company for her. But yeah, fuck these cunts.
Think of the corporations and all their lost profits! Next, the internet! That place is rife with copyright infringement.
Everything by voidtools will find it in seconds..
The marginalised and persecuted majority*
Though I'm fucking glad they disarmed, I wouldn't trust the ANC to find it's way out of a glass room covered with doors, never mind look after nukes. It's bad enough the state power utility has a nuclear reactor.
Unfortunately free fly events are usually the worst time to play. I wonder sometimes if it doesn't chase away more than it attracts.
If you're in Europe, then with the way things are going in a lot of countries here, I wonder the same.
You forgot about the classic, "Where do you want to go today"
Lol, I gave up on that shit when I realised how pointless it was, I'm not having sex anyway.
Burn it with fire!
Yup, if I'm home I clean the tray 2-4 times a day, it's a 1min job and my place doesn't smell like piss. If I hear him going I'll clean up directly after.
It's sad, because Edge is actually a pretty good browser, but all this shit just makes everyone hate it.
Also, every Google page I visit gives me an annoying "Download Chrome now!" popup, so MS i guess is just using the same strategy Google used.
What if I'm looking for something but the page has changed?