[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 16 points 2 months ago

Fuck Trump. But also, I think with divisions the way they are, we have to be careful how we engage with our criticisms. And my problem with calling Trump "white trash" is layered. First, white trash has classically been used to denigrate lower class white folks. There's more to unpack there than I want to tackle, but to oversimplify, I feel like it is unnecessarily classist and brings in race at the same time. I'm sure there are plenty of people who you could call white trash that aren't racist, traitorous, scam artists. Also, I would consider Trump either not lower class, or a class traitor. And on top of that, it kind of seems like the least concerning thing about him. Him being cringe or gross or just generally repugnant is so 2016. We're now in the midst of several global catastrophes that this animated blob of greed and hatred will almost certainly pour rocketfuel on.

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 6 points 3 months ago

"It sets a shitty precedence.." is a gross minimalization to attach to effectively making the US be a dictatorship. And saying you're ok with a dictatorship because you happen to agree with the dictator is the kind of sentiment that cannot be left unchallenged/unexamined

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 7 points 4 months ago

It's almost like it is in the best interests of one of the political parties to have a less informed populace and that party tends to limit or dismantle that educational infrastructure

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 32 points 5 months ago

You've misapplied progressive language in such a way as to make me suspect this comment is an example of astroturfing. I almost hope that is the case, because the alternative is that you have allowed ignorance and implicit bias to lead you down a path of self justified racism/bigotry. As the dominant culture, it is not our place to decide to exclude groups of people based on a preconception. Every culture has blindspots. But none of them are absolutes. You tolerate the culture, and try to discourage behavior that is detrimental to the whole. Otherwise we'd ban most religions. Even western ones.

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 8 points 8 months ago

Because capitalism.
The less glib answer, though a bit of an over simplification, is that the current trend of neoliberalism discourages self limitation and collective collaboration. If regulation is not put in place and enforced by forces (government, social contract, etc) then people are incentivize to push and make use of any advantage available. Not doing it risks being displaced by those who do. Competition becomes toxic and self perpetuating

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 7 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Defining it as a feature would dispel the myth of there being an ethical way to incarcerate/indefinitely detain people. The "bad apples" argument tries to put forward an idea that something bad is actually fine. It's only bad in 'this instance' because these people are bad/immoral/incompetent.

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 7 points 9 months ago

I get what you're saying. And might even agree with elements. But it is easy to say it's futile to fight when you aren't in a position to need to. Doing nothing in this case means resigning not just yourself to being under their oppression, and not even just your friends and family. It is resigning your entire culture to a slow painful death by attrition. They are losing more and more land, rights, and any hope of progress. Like... if someone is strangling you, do you fight back, or just resign yourself to it? And that's before we even get into the fact that those complying and not fighting are still being killed. Those not fighting and wanting to leave were lured to slaughter. Not fighting is an illusory choice.

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 20 points 9 months ago

This response feels like it was written by AI. Or maybe someone who has indulged in psychedelics too much and too frequently to be able to communicate ideas in a clear or concise manner.

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 4 points 10 months ago

Some people act like non-monogamy is easy. That it's just cheating or promiscuity disguised. But, if you're doing it right, it requires emotional intelligence and endurance, the self knowledge to be able to set good boundaries and the maturity and empathy to respect others'. It requires a good amount of time, effort, and resources. Negotiating schedules, balancing the needs and wants of each involved, etc. Even those who do it selfishly (or worst case, abusively) would need to expend energy hiding their ways from the community at large (which honestly seems more exhausting). And it's not like monogamy let's you avoid those types of people.

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 6 points 11 months ago

I bought a soda stream and will cycle through various things to flavor it. My two go-tos are orange juice and mango juice. And I usually just put a splash of it on top. Maybe 1/10.

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 7 points 1 year ago

If you grew up near that culture and are aware of the history and have empathy for their struggle, do you not see how unhelpful and unnecessarily pedantic your response to an understanably frustrated and fed up post is?
If a good portion of the majority oppressing you is invested in keeping you disempowered and often actively attacking you, would you feel the need to painstakingly qualify your outrage/desperation? Maybe put your ego aside and spend more energy trying to be a part of the solution, and less on whatever you think you're doing here

[-] Llamalitmus@lemmy.ca 38 points 1 year ago

That is objectively not true. They have a plan to weaken the rights of the marginalized and to enrich themselves and their cronies. C'mon now >_>

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