You'd be better off using an upscaling AI to do this rather than an AI that tries to reinterpret what's already there. Go grab a pirated copy of Topaz Video Enhance and you'll see what I mean.
An evening with my what? /s
Nope, it's just an image. If the OP watermarked their content then their name will be in the image, but that's not always the case.
The source is Lover In Law.
It's engagement farming.
Notice how they're all questions? The way this works on other social media is you ask something in a community that most people will have an opinion on, but frame it opposite to that opinion (e.g. the tiny tits question), and that will give you a bunch of engagement through comments which tells the algorithm the post is more interesting so it pushes the post higher to raise visibility to keep people on the site longer to view more ads.
The thing is, Lemmy does not have an algorithm like that, so it's pointless to do here.
Original artist appears to be shengtian.
Pringles :)
Reupload needed, the link has been deleted.
I love this format
Ah yes, I too enjoy MP4 videos :)
To me, that comes across as quite dismissive. Almost like you're saying "I acknowledge that you've posted something" but then saying nothing about the content of the post. It's far too generic.
If you like this kind of stuff, I'd recommend checking out their other art!
I can see how you might reach that conclusion, but consider this: do you feel it is correct to bring a life into the world knowing that you can't afford to provide for them? To me, that's placing an unnecessary burden on both your family and society.
Though with that being said, someone else mentioned that reversals are ~$10,000, which is obscenely expensive and way more than I thought it would be, so the current cost of them does make it seem like I'm saying "only the rich should have children", even when I'm not.