[-] MagnumDovetails@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

I didn’t both sides this. To clarify; I meant that if republicans brought forth policies to preserve personal privacy, or the democrats decide to bust up monopolistic companies- doesn’t matter which side tried to bring up any of these ideas; they would be so neutered by the time the ink dried the impact would be negligible.

I can see how you could take my comment as both sides-ing it. I haven’t seen either party do anything that impacts the quality of daily life (in a positive way) for myself, friends or family. The examples of abortion and gun control are just examples where the overwhelming majority of citizens want one thing, in very clear terms, and the government does absolutely nothing about it despite the wishes of the people.

I’m also clearly not advocating for any third party. If you take the very common knowledge that the government no longer works for the people and twist that into throwing away your vote on Kennedy or Nader your problems are larger than limited browser selection.

And how’s that antitrust case going? Where are we on net neutrality? Student loan forgiveness for like 10% of borrowers? Expanding Medicare? I only criticize democrats because that’s the party that’s supposed to do things for us. The American republicans are Christo- fascists who’ve long abandoned any pretense of constitutional law or responsibility for their country. Either way- we have crumbling infrastructure, hungry children, women dying because religious abortion restrictions, and lead pipes. And these shit bags can just send another $25 billion to kill more brown people in the Middle East.

So forgive me if I doubt they’ll take the time to learn what http means or even consider something that doesn’t have a wealthy donor behind it.

[-] MagnumDovetails@lemmy.world 111 points 6 days ago

I like Doctorow, and these point are valid. I just don’t see the American government doing anything to benefit the people, regardless of left or right orientation. Most Americans want abortion access and reasonable restrictions on gun sales; I can’t imagine any candidates, local or federal doing little more than making empty promises on these subjects. Even Obama care is a hugely compromised husk of reasonable healthcare for all, and you still have republicans clamoring to dismantle it.

I hate to be pessimistic, but I don’t think any American politician would take on this topic.

[-] MagnumDovetails@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago

I’ve been on iOS since the iPhone 3. I’m planning to switch soon. I’m not quite a power user and still dual booting my computer with Linux.

I was curious what you mentioned about unlocked phones not be able to be boot loaded. How could I determine this for sure? I’ve been looking at purchasing on back market dot com, but I’m open to purchasing elsewhere as long as it’s not amazon.

Thanks for that ebay link and this write up

[-] MagnumDovetails@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

I’ve noticed that, I also appreciate you can kinda tinker which I appreciate. It’s wild being so accustomed to the limited control you have from using windows and mainstream software

[-] MagnumDovetails@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago

I dual boot and am maybe considered a newbie. But I’ve had this set up for about a year slowly preparing to stop using Microsoft crap. It’s part of a longer path to digital privacy that was kicked into gear when the win 11 update made my Wi-Fi card disappear, like gone- like it was never installed. Fuck HP and Microsoft

Ironically I had disabled secure boot to try another distro. Was going to drop Ubuntu for something else, still might but no rush, plenty to learn.

[-] MagnumDovetails@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

Thanks man, I can math pretty hard but you’re the only field that uses imaginary numbers! e^i*pi still trips me out.

For sure there’s lots of political crap holding us back. I heard some crazy statistic about how much grid work would be needed to get us to replace coal and other fossil fuels with electricity.

I’d agree that the generation is handled, just need to build it. Maybe I’ll see you on the job down the road! Keep positive, you got this

[-] MagnumDovetails@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago

For what it’s worth I think the stuff you guys learn is absolute wizardry. I’m going into my last two semesters of a BS in civil engineering, so I can relate. I do think my studies are easier than electrical but I’ve had a couple semesters where I was just floored by the difficulty, exhausted from the pace, and depressed thinking I’d get kicked from the program or bomb a crucial test.

I believe your other comment is correct, it will be worth it. I can already look at problems in a different way, and I understand things in a way that’s hard to explain in words.

My question: I’m concerned that the plans for green energy have a serious and unaddressed limitation in electrical power transfer. I think mining the needed metals to just build the stuff could further mess up the planet- not to mention the load the grid would have to handle. Do you foresee any changes in the ways we transmit power? Is changing from ac-dc or vice versa a feasible solution?

Lastly, be good to yourself, I extended my degree a semester and took it easy- really helped me. Good luck!

[-] MagnumDovetails@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago

I highly suggest watching “The Last Waltz” directed by Scorsese. It has a serious list of guest appearances and is obviously a well done film documenting the last performance by The Band

[-] MagnumDovetails@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

AMAs died when Reddit fired Victoria, they haven’t been worth a shit in a while.


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