But what if I become a top-5%-er?
Wtf 5 out of 100 people make 200k??
I need to immigrate asap.
Ist das der gleiche Wintermute wie in Woohoojins Zwietracht Server?
It would probably be pretty effective on men too, tho XD
Yea, this is a funny thing to think about.
You can jerk off to photos of people, you can imagine some wild things involving other people etc.
If you just create some deepfake porn to masturbate by yourself to, I don't see a big problem with that.
The only issue I can find is, that due to neglect someone else sees it, or even hears about it.
The problem starts with sharing. Like it would be sexual harassment to tell people who you are masturbating to, especially sharing with the "actors" of your fantasies.
There is however another way this could go:
Everyone can now share nudes with way less risk.
If anyone leaks them, just go: "That's a deepfake. This is obviously a targeted attack by the heathens of the internet, who are jealous of my pure and upstanding nature. For me only married missionary with lights out."
Gibt bestimmt auch Roboter mit Fußfetisch. Vor allem, wenn wir das Internet verwenden um sie zu trainieren.
Also immer Hausschuhe tragen, deine Zehen sind nie sicher.
I think the traits you list are a bit too abstract. When people list traits they strive for, they are usually derived from yours.
Yours might factually fit the data, but men don't aim to be disagreeable, they aim to be independent or confident. Same with women and being empathetic and social.
The problem is that everyone needs all those traits. This is where the author fails by saying the groups are pointless.
I think the ratio of how pronounced the traits are is what makes masculinity and femininity.
He does refer to a quote, but I think the "honorary man" wording comes from him. If he quotes it, the rest of the article still proves that he links these trait-groups exclusively to either gender.
Gender performance isn't something you fake, like in a theater, it's more something you do like performing in a sport. I should have clarified that.
Also being yourself is not an answer. Young people are struggling with exactly that. Being yourself only works, if you know what yourself is. Gender traits or role models can give great guidelines for what you strive to be. And somewhere along your growth as a person you will find things that work and things that don't. But you need some "starting direction" because yourself is usually still a kid.
For the trans thing, my wording is a bit unclear.
I meant acting like a (stereotypical) man.
You can say that they are a man as soon as they identify as one. I would also treat people that way. But the goal of most trans people is being recognized as their identified gender, without stating it, also called passing.
If you talk to trans people, there is often a concept of performing gender. This includes fashion and voice, but also mannerisms. To some these mannerisms come naturally, some train them to be more in line with how they view themselves.
I think these mannerisms and to an extend fashion are things that young men are also looking to modify in order to pass as men.
The obvious difference being that trans men switch gender, while cis men just go from boys to men.
Ich glaube Schritt 4 wird von irgendwelchen Großen Musikfabriken ausgeführt. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass Schritt 3 ein Perspektivwechsel auf deren PdS sein muss.
Mein Fenster zwei-Hochfahr ist quasi nur Hochfahrlader für Valorant(TapferkeitAmeise?). Ist das dann noch ein Fenster zwei-Hochfahr oder ein Ressourcen-intensiver Hochfahrlader für nen TapferkeitAmeise zwei-Hochfahr. Wer ist hier d(er|ie) designierte[r]? ich_iel Philosoph[in]?
Well, right about online stuff. I would also have ridiculous standards if there were 10x more women than men. Just expand your social circle and eventually you'll meet normal people XD
Photo and Video editing is actually pretty good, since the backends (magick/ffmpeg) are open source