[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 10 points 4 months ago

The obvious one is buying drugs. I don't feel like arguing the morality of doing that but anonymous money is definitely useful for that.

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 5 points 5 months ago

This is amusing to me because we have the "20ct guy" in my city who always claims he only needs 20ct and as soon as he sees any more money he'll steal it from you.

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 14 points 7 months ago

Iron? Manganese? I don't care what transition metal you are, at the end of the day you just want to fulfill your desire for d...

I'm sure there's a better version of the joke out there, but being funny isn't my strength

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 5 points 7 months ago

I think no one around here realizes how fucking insane a 5 W laser pointer is, it's not blinding people level, it's more like, don't shine it at anything white or you might blind yourself level.

For reference the highest laser security classification starts at 0.5 W.

Maybe I'm exaggerating here but 5 W is definitely a lot.

So yeah, I'm down with the laser pointer.

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 22 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

You are asking an infinitely difficult question of why she is so incredibly popular, I don't think I can tell you why she's more popular than, say, Beyoncé. Except maybe that she is more consistent. That said, I'll give you my perspective on why I like Taylor Swift.

I'm a dude and my music taste is pretty diverse but I mostly grew up listening to metal and punk. That said, when I left my ex (for the second time). It felt really good to listen to We are never ever getting back together on repeat. Most breakups I've had, had songs that have helped me through and leaving a toxic relationship... It just felt really good to repeatedly sing those words over and over.

I don't know if it's actually true but I'm a guitarist and I've heard the phrase "Taylor Swift is the Beatles of the 21st century" meaning her music releases currently have the largest impact on guitar sales and popularity. If for nothing else, I respect her a lot for performing live with a guitar. She doesn't do anything crazy but you don't have to have crazy guitar skills to make good music. I personally enjoy learning her songs every now and then because a) they are relatively straightforward to learn but still encompass nice playful elements, b) I am mostly interested in becoming a better singer nowadays and her songs are definitely challenging for me to sing.

  1. Both folklore and evermore are really nice albums imo. Very nice and tasteful music. Last year I had a phase where I was having trouble finding music. I was sick of extreme metal, I was sick of hardcore techno, and I listened to so much leftist folk and folk punk that I grew sick of it. All the music I listened to was always fast, intense and challenging. I just wanted nice songs that I can sing along to with real instrumentation. I realised I don't mind pop music but I like real instruments because they feel more real to me (fwiw lol, please don't take this as hatred for electronics, I also love techno as stated above). Well folklore and evermore offer just that for me. Nice songs with real instruments and beautiful instrumentation. I prefer folklore for being darker but evermore uses more guitar which I also like. My fav songs out of the 2 albums:


  • cardigan
  • mirrorball
  • this is me trying
  • invisible string


  • willow
  • champagne problems
  • 'tis the damn season

I still want to express that I don't always like her lyric writing. She uses brand names a bunch and I also feel like there are often references to American things which I just don't know about.

Also, while I like folklore and evermore, I find them borderline impossible to listen to all the way through. All the songs basically strike the same mood, it's nice relaxing music, but there's not a big emotional arc throughout the albums for me. I tend to stop listening to evermore once I reach "no body, no crime"... God that song is awful lol.

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 7 points 8 months ago

Den Schnee auf dem wir alle talwärts fahren, kennt heute jedes Kind!

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 7 points 8 months ago

MSc in chemistry here

Just because chemistry utilizes words and defines them with specific criteria it doesn't mean these words can not be used in other contexts with different meanings (e.g. vinyl)

Oh and you probably know, but diamond, graphite, CO~2~ and all sorts of carbonates are excluded from being organic.

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 5 points 9 months ago

I know people don't really value it these days, but to me there is great value in (stupidly) simple technology.

The more complicated a system is, the more prone it is to breakage. We have lots of areas in our life where we already rely on complicated circuits. I don't need to add headphones to that list.

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 16 points 9 months ago

Honestly I'd probably buy a phone without a camera before I'd buy a phone without a headphone jack.

I was sold on the idea of a fairphone but that's a dealbreaker to me. I very briefly owned a phone without a headphone jack (borrowed from a friend while my current one was in repair), having to think of that stupid adapter all the time was hell.

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 9 points 11 months ago

I've definitely had to handle 30gb plain text files before so I am inclined to believe twice as much should be just as possible

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago

Aber bestimmt nochmal zeitlich schwächer oder?

Soweit ich weiß ist der Placebo Effekt teilweise missverstanden. Es mag sein dass der reine Glaube an die Wirkung einen Placebo Effekt auslöst, vor Allem ist aber auch ein gewisser Trainingseffekt signifikant.

Beispiel: Du musst regelmäßig Eine neongrün leuchtende Flüssigkeit einnehmen da du an chronischer Übelkeit leidest. Wenn du nun eines Tages kein Medikament Mehr da hast kannst du auch eine beliebige andere neongrüne Flüssigkeit einnehmen.

Es geht also weniger darum wie sehr du nun wirklich daran glaubst und mehr darum wie sehr du ähnliche Sinneswahrnehmungen auslöst. Trotzdem spielen (soweit ich weiß) beide Effekte eine gewisse Rolle. Ich Nehme an dass auch das bloße Tablettenschlucken schon einen Placebo Effekt auslöst. Auch die Tatsache dass dir ein Arzt gesagt hat dass das verschriebene Medikament dir helfen wird etc.

[-] Mo5560@feddit.de 6 points 1 year ago

In my personal experience void linux ran the smoothest on all my old laptops (compared to stuff like arch and antiX, I defo didn't try everything).

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