According to the linked Twitter, yes.
Great clip! But with a body like hers it's difficult to pick a favorite TBH.
Yeah, she's unreal. Not sure what she does on her OF but I imagine it's not disappointing
All the better to hear you with.
Yeah I'm rolling between grounded and Fortnite with my buddies lately. Kid safe and casual. Need to sit down for some single player soon though
Yep. I haven't replaced mine thanks to that and the only thing broken is the little plastic piece that clicks the sticks.
Of course! Personally I think this has a bit more potential than alternative or progressive but it's one of those things where nothing will ever come close to the original even if it's good
That's the highest hope of all
But how are the horses involved!?!
Barbie was fucking great. Apparently we need moviescirclejerk here to talk about true kino though
It's Nina. Link in the post if you click it. Profiles commonly under Atomic Brunette