Depends on how frequently you're accessing the data. If it's infrequently used, then spin up/down can be beneficial. But yes, you raise a good point. Thank you. :)
You should look at power settings. HDDs can power down when not being read from or written to. It extends the time you wait when you need the data on them but can save on their lifetime / electric / heat.
Add Mazda to this list please.
The developer of this plugin for HomeAssistant apparently didn't have insurance and couldn't risk the legal fight. This is the DMCA take down that Mazda issued for the reason that the code "provides functionality same as what is currently in Apple App Store and Google Play App Store"
Additional Coverage:
Can you provide sources from this? I'm genuinely curious, the highest I've heard was $80,000 and it was a campus department with endowment funding.
Also, I wouldn't count overtime as part of the salary. Having to work that much is going to put extra stress on you, make you irritable, wear you down, etc. and result in turnover.
Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, that driver of that truck is the one who is doing your bathroom/kitchen/whatever remodel and NEEDS that room to carry the supplies for that work?
Honestly, I think the platform is pretty stable if you take out the outages caused by DDoS. Let's also be honest, would anyone be shocked if those DDoS's were actually sourced by a competitor who lost users to this platform?
It takes a ton of time and effort to be able to build robust DDoS mitigation strategies, even for Fortune 500/100 companies. Sure, you can throw yourself behind a known mitigation company, but their out of the box rules don't always work for you. Most of the time you go behind them in a "transparent" mode and begin slowly deciding what is and isn't a real threat. Volumetric attacks are easy to deal with - "hey, that's fake traffic, block it.". Attacks like the admins of have talked about are application layer and require much finer tuned filters. You can't just immediately say "block this" because you may block legitimate traffic.
I think it's more about getting the time to be able to develop the features mods want after dealing with how to protect the site, than it is about "stability of Lemmy"
You do realize that open carry doesn't mean you can just walk around with a gun in your hand, right? The gun has to be on a sling or in a holster. Holding it in your hand in any way that looks like you immediately intend to use it is brandishing and results in a charge.
By their standards, it only needed to be no by 40%
Yearly, October typically.