At the same time, his leaving was also a success story in itself. He had all the money he ever needed in life, he was at the top of his game except just was exhausted working that continual grind, and was feeling his age so unlike e.g. any member of Congress, decided to voluntarily relinquish his power in order to create room for new people to step up, while he went on to blaze entirely new pioneer territory outside of mainstream TV, which was quite a risk even for someone like him. Wow... what a class act! 😍
While true that the timing is shit, the amount is nowhere close to "table scraps" - this seems like it will legit be helpful, maybe even enough to turn the tide in Ukraine?
Also, it's not like Congress fed its own and then waited months to feed the dog - rather, dinner for the entire family was delayed from the start of the fiscal year 2024 in October 1 until just a few weeks ago, involving the ousting of one Speaker of the House and almost doing so to the second as well. And now, this aid package for Ukraine may likewise finish the job of getting the Speaker kicked out, bc any time the government is "functional" is considered bad by some elements.
But the timing from passing the federal budget itself to passing this aid package is actually quite short. Yes it's half a year late, but it did eventually happen, and the amount of aid is large, so is a "success" by multiple metrics, and all the more so given the opposition. If we do end up having a civil war as people like MTG are calling for, this may well be the last aid package that the USA ever manages to pass in the final stages of its democracy.
So imho we should take the win and be happy - we may not get to celebrate Congress doing routine activities like "passing budgets" very often in the future, even six months late.
Even the olive, while not liquid, is kinda mushy.
This "threat" stings less and less over time - i.e., if we get nothing from them now in taxes, then how would them moving away change anything? Like, would we pay higher amounts for food maybe, or not be able to buy a house anymore, or have lesser access to medical care as a result?
Also, we cannot change how others act, only what we ourselves do. e.g. perhaps if they become honest about being non-taxpaying corporations, we could do things like pass laws restricting the amount of money that such entities could contribute to politicians?
Ultimately, would it be so bad if like "Apple" were a non-American company anymore, and we could incentive our own USA-backed companies instead? (or if Apple does pay appropriate taxes, then substitute with some other company example here) Likewise, Google already is losing its ability to "find stuff", b/c of its chasing after pure profiteering. Let them go, I say, b/c while that may induce some pain in the short-term, it is the only way that we will heal.
But, I have been wrong before, and you should not base any real decisions off of my opinion:-).
This is where John Oliver would jump in to say: except that's not who this is bc one of them is fake.
And then continue with: except that's a lie bc actually, two are fake!
They know. They simply do not care.
I mean... right or wrong, FAAFO with banks does not sound fun, I hope they have an exit strategy like to live with someone else as they drop off the grid.:-|
Managers do all the real work, thus deserve all the compensation
- managers everywhere, every day
I may not know how to write programs, but I could still do a better job than people with decades of experience in doing exactly that
- these particular managers
Tell me more about these "spells", which occur in limited numbers, are capable of long-range attacks, deal explosive & powerful damage... and can only be performed by someone who has the proper equipment and spends time in advance preparing them for use? :-D