[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 77 points 2 months ago

He's a surgeon by trade so he'd be less inclined towards diagnosis and more towards identifying a course of action if one hasn't already been given.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 72 points 2 months ago

Make Nazis Afraid Agan.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 76 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

So....if dead internet theory has gone into effect, does that mean adverts are basically just a medium of wealth circulation between tech bros in a circle jerk?

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 75 points 5 months ago

For confused folks, no this is not how Canadians package their peanut butter, although yes the milk bags are real, IIRC this is actually a thing that happens in the Carribbean for locally packaged peanut butter because it's cheaper than the jars are in the US and Canada.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 78 points 8 months ago

It's actually kinda incredible for Russia to have not realized that the US is literally just letting Ukraine integrate itself into NATO standards by training on and building up NATO standard equipment as it runs out of the shitty Soviet era alternatives

Meanwhile Moscow is instead developing a dependency on Iranian and Chinese made military hardware, stuff that neither is especially willing to part with given their own war plans.

The US could 1000% just barely provide enough aid to tactically let Russia chew its teeth out trying to break Ukraine, but it's sending what Ukraine needs to win whenever it can because the US sees Ukraine winning as more important than Russia losing at this point.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 79 points 8 months ago

Lack of centralized messaging and organized leadership

You probably can't name a single person who came to national prominence as a direct result of their participation in OWS, and that's exactly why it fizzled, movements don't need leaders necessarily, but absent that they absolutely need a gameplan, which OWS did not have, just a general anti-rich sentiment without many proposals for change other than "lock them up."

I think this is the broad issue with most would be revolutionary groups, they never plan further than "just do a revolution bro" beyond dreaming of the utopia they'll surely usher in when the enemy is defeated. Revolutionary movements need to operate more like John Brown, man didn't just go south and start shooting, he gathered a convention of black leaders to sign a new constitution to inaugurate in the event that he won. Granted it was a bit loco, part of it literally involved turning black America into a settler nation in the Appalachia's, but the point still stands, the man knew what victory would look like and that's how he was able to gather the following he did before his capture and death.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 76 points 9 months ago

Lets them spy on Chinese nationals who are studying and working in the west

That's also the big thing security experts are actually worried about when they talk about the threat posed by TikTok,

It's not that it spies just on you, it's that your instance is also spying on everyone around you. It'll identify Chinese nationals in your proximity and start collecting data on what they're up to, and if Beijing doesn't like what they're seeing, those police will pay them a visit, not to arrest them of course, just to let them know how disappointed their families will be in them...from inside the reeducation camp.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 73 points 10 months ago

The Swedes are apparently so excited that they're celebrating in the streets! And by celebrating I mean shortening the usual 2 meter personal space to a mere 1.5 meters to politely confirm that this is indeed an interesting development.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 73 points 10 months ago

Women being told to stop complaining about things that are best treated via uterectomy because doctors were taught by the old boys club to just assume its them trying to get out of ever having kids is not the same thing as you being told you're an idiot for eating horse dewormer instead of just getting the fucking jab already.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 83 points 10 months ago

This feels like the aside in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy about the planet that became economically incapable of building anything but shoe stores, but if it was written by the Orks from 40k.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 72 points 11 months ago

Probably in reference to underaged spouses, basically you can't be charged with anything related to having a kid in your home if said kid is your spouse

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 84 points 1 year ago

Now ban non hotel licensed entities from renting living spaces for less than a month

Fuck that Air BnB shit

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