About 90% of all problems
Factorio: 5,000
10/10 best game on steam by far.
Doesn't really matter for 90% of cases, best bet is to go for what feels good for you. Each distro is similar to each version of windows, they are a little different from one version to the next, but for the most part it just changes how you interact with it.
It's the best hard drug emulator I have found so far.
O! The pain! Cractorio for life!
Factorio 5k+ atm
Unless we count pokemon, played that to death when I was younger, would be willing to say I have "young person time" amount of hours in the Gameboy versions.
Based on first hand experience?
Freelancer(2003). Replay this at least once a year.
Considering you enjoyed these games, take a peak at factorio. It's good stuff.