This video does a good job of showing and talking about some potential issues with using an enclosure.
That's a really good point -- you can model a process as an RC where there's a resistance and a capacitance. A major change to a process such as adding an enclosure that retains heat and reduces draft would change the process RC, so your PID settings would need to be different for optimal control.
I recall a video from one of the 3d printing youtubers that showed that an enclosure could allow plastic printer parts to warp, causing prints to fail. It was really a surprising result to me, since I was considering buying an enclosure for my tevo tornado (which is mostly metal, but not entirely especially after some printer upgrades I printed)
There's a lot of info on moving to a duet3d board, I did that, and I found a tiny direct drive extruder. Printing the braces was the very first thing I did, since my joke is the first thing you 3d print is more parts for your 3d printer. :P
That all makes sense.
I've got a heavily modified tevo tornado, and I think the big thing I'd replace it for would be a heated enclosure so I could print ABS and the like without warping to oblivion. I might still get a second Z screw and motor, given that I seem to have some problems with taller prints.
I might be just sorta a dummy in this regard, but if you're getting prints you're happy with, why upgrade?
Most people probably don't spent all day every day printing anyway, and even if you triple the speed of a print you are still talking about a very long time to do a substantial print, so it isn't like you're going to get more out of the printer because you can print faster because the printer isn't the bottleneck
A future version with print in place springy buttons for each letter would probably work out well! I agree something more interactive and colorful would help keep his attention.
150 euros? I'm in the wrong line of work!
Literally speaking anytime that you print something in PLA and don't burn it it's sequestering carbon, but that's not exactly impressive.