And spy-ware + Trackers + system data info + location + how many hours used + what websites you use :/ Firefox is the best!! F Chrome users ew
Laughs in simple ubuntu setup, that only took me 10% of effort mostly installing it :p
haha Don't use HDMI, It's trash anyway cant get 2560 x 1440 at 144HZ on HDMI, better off using Display port instead much faster speeds, that's how it works for me :3
Tbh, i don't really care 10 to 8 bit probably cant even tell the difference :/ also what is VVR?
had Ubuntu for about 3 months now had has kept the same default wallpaper, I think it looks dope af
I don't think it has to do with HDMI, more like the drivers, idk rather to wait or upgrade the drivers manual in Terminal. But idk what issue you are having, my HDMI is using 2.1, did u update your display, or even does your display support only 2.0 not 2.1
Would I be able to download this on Ubuntu for my rx6700xt really need the new driver so I can start raytracing in blender using hip rt
America is less free then Europe
Small ass ears
Would like not to use the terminal, I try my best to stay away from it at all cost
I don't get arch,but I have a life and much prefure ubuntu over Amy linux distro