Well, I'm only speaking here for my experience with teaching the U.K. curriculum, but probably the same thing applies elsewhere. I know this much - as a teacher, it's very frustrating!
As it is, when we had to teach them HTML, the resources we were given were using PHP at the same time, so I scrapped that and just taught them HTML myself. We never teach more than one concept at a time, so I don't know how these other things found their way into the curriculum/resources.
Notably, when I did my C.S. degree, they knew to only teach one concept at a time. We learnt Pascal in first year, then did OOP in second year.
I came here because I noticed I wasn't getting the posts from here on Mastodon anymore, since sometime a day ago (newest post in my Mastodon "Programming.dev" List says 1 day old). Sounds like the same issue, but thought I'd add this info as all the other comments are about not getting posts from other places here, but I'm not getting posts from here at Mastodon.
It’s like going to a mathematics forum and declaring “Guyz I forgot to carry a 1, screw Maths.
You may think you're joking, but as a Maths teacher I can tell you I have seen a lot of posts where someone makes a mistake with their signs, then uses their wrong answer to declare "The rules of Maths are wrong! Look - different answer!". Yeah umm, try working on getting your arithmetic right first before claiming to have "proved" something. 😂
Pascal was designed for beginners, so I'd start there. Get a handle on the basics before you move onto something which is using object-oriented programming, as that's a whole thing to understand in itself. One step at a time (I'm a teacher, and we always only teach students one concept at a time). And once you've got the basics then C# in a Nutshell series of books (one for each version of C# as new features come out) is very good with explaining the next level stuff and not rehashing the basics (there may be similar books available for other languages, but that's outside my area of expertise).
Yeah, I've already been putting SOLVED on questions when I've found a solution, as I saw some other sites doing that.
Yeah, people were saying that when dotnet.social launched as well, despite that not being an official MS server either.
The source is Maho. He's a Microsoft employee who has added ActivityPub (via the Wordpress plug-in) in his spare time. The 2nd person to follow it was also a Microsoft employee - @DevLeader@programming.dev - who I'm sure would be happy to clear up anything about it (I'm not sure if Maho himself is on here,, but Nick is).
That doesn't make them trend-setters though - that just makes them big spenders on marketing. i.e. Android wasn't following what Apple did - they'd already been doing it first!
But it wouldn't only work on Android. It would also work on Windows and Unix and any other niche operating system that can run a browser (my Blu-ray recorder has a browser in it). There's a whole world outside Apple/Android. This message brought to you by a browser running on Windows...
...and riding a bike is easy. Now go watch some kids who have never ridden a bike before and see how that's working out for them.