[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 24 points 6 months ago

Assuming this isn't an attempt at trolling, Trump ran up the deficit nearly double that of Biden. Given that the argument is generally government spending leads to inflation, how exactly would that not indicate who is more responsible for inflationary costs?

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 37 points 7 months ago

The simple solution is not to rely upon AI. It's like a misinformed relative after a jar of moonshine, they might be right some of the time, or they might be totally full of shit.

I honestly don't know why people are obsessed with relying on AI, is it that difficult to look up the answer from a reliable source?

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 30 points 9 months ago

Given the reality that Linux simply isn't viable for some people (including myself), I highly recommend using this tool.


Between this, and manually uninstalling a lot of bloat (or using a specific type of windows install) and a few other tweaks, windows becomes significantly more usable.

Disabling garbage in the task bar, removing Cortana and indexing services, etc etc, it can also add a fairly decent uplift in performance.

I'm sure there is still telemetry being collected but significantly less and less impact on my user experience and day to day performance.

Oh and make sure you turn off auto/feature updates!

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 26 points 9 months ago

What is wrong with these people?

We need to start an organization that helps to rehome any woman in one of these states to a state with sane laws.

I feel truly sorry for the women who have been brainwashed since birth to agree with these laws that subjugate them, and continue to vote for the people passing them.

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 33 points 11 months ago

Multiple homes I've lived in have had these slots in the medicine cabinets lol.

Did they anticipate people not living long enough to care? Or that some biome would form to use the blades as food?

Interesting decisions all around.

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 40 points 1 year ago

It can't possibly have any relationship to morons like Florida's Surgeon General citing bogus claims and vaccine efficacy denialism could it?

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 53 points 1 year ago

If only more people would move to Mastodon it could drop another 50% in value!

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 53 points 1 year ago

Reddit's content has taken an absolute nose dive, I still lurk, but every time I think about posting, I close out the tab and leave now. The site has also become an ad filled dumpster fire.

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 28 points 1 year ago

Look, any progress being made about environmental awareness is great, HOWEVER; this bullshit concept of offloading the responsibility of climate change strictly to the consumer is never going to fix the problem.

The people responsible for the largest amount of climate change are the insatiably wealthy that give absolutely no fucks about how much their mega corp ruins the planet.

I don't know how the rest of the world feels, but here in the U.S., it's basically impossible to buy anything that doesn't come packaged in single use plastics, and half our population has been brainwashed to believe climate change is not even a concerning issue.

The companies that profit from blowing everything up should be responsible for cleaning everything up. I do my best to reduce, reuse and recycle, but my city doesn't even recycle plastic bags because it clogs the machines, and everything comes in damn plastic bags. Putting solar on your house now comes with a high possibility of having your insurance policy canceled, etc, it's literally one barrier after another, and my carbon footprint is pretty damn low.

Sorry for my rant, it is just very frustrating.

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 34 points 1 year ago

Good, no child should be placed with parents who may discriminate against them for their natural state of being.

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 28 points 1 year ago

Well, I mean if you media is literally fictional propaganda, then maybe it should be cancelled?

[-] SolNine@lemmy.ml 24 points 1 year ago

Freshwater Snail??? So that thought experiment is actually kind of real if you piss one off enough? Well...

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