[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 11 points 1 year ago

Bonus! One brave kitty goes exploring. How old do you think that little guy is? 6 weeks?

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 10 points 1 year ago

Helicopters fly over them. The tribe throw spears at them to make them go away.

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 12 points 1 year ago

Yes… “antivaxxer protest” dates it pretty accurately.

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 9 points 1 year ago

I was a little confused by the smile too, assuming she was no older than 30. Losing 6 years of your youth seems harder than 6 years in your 50s. Although it depends on the conditions she’s kept in.

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 10 points 1 year ago

Because lemmy’s rules state no identifying information. It’s in the side bar too.

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 10 points 1 year ago

If someone donates a kidney to a stranger and later on something happens and they need a kidney transplant themselves, do they get a bump up the waiting list? I can see an argument for either side.

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 10 points 1 year ago

Not a direct answer, but if you’d like to do something now to help someone while you’re still alive (and you’re under 30) you could sign up for bone marrow donation. And of course, give blood as often as you can. Regular blood donors are straight up angels.

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 8 points 1 year ago

You’re welcome! Someone replied on the soup de jour post that they “didn’t speak French” and I thought they were trolling at first. I assumed it was a well known loan word for all native English speakers, like RVSP, déjà-vu, cul-de-sac, chaise lounge etc etc. That’s what I get for making assumptions!

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 9 points 1 year ago

Dolly’s version is perfect for when you’re feeling heartbroken. Whitney’s version is perfect for when you’re ready to move on.

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You might find your answer here: https://support.imaginationlibrary.com/category/251-all-frequently-asked-questions

Do you not have a library nearby? Libraries were a huge part of my childhood. I can’t imagine not having them.

EDIT: This came up when I googled CT imagination library.

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 10 points 1 year ago

It really depends on the type of community. I created a few a missed from Reddit and honestly the screenshot/photo based communities are piss easy to start. !badrealestate for example is 3 weeks old with 48 posts and 3.6k subscribers. I just posted every day for a few weeks, now other people are posting and I contribute a couple of times a week.

On the other hand !tennis_fans and !downtherabbithole are much harder to get going because they require very regular or in depth text posts. Those two have less than 200 subscribers between them.

What I find really annoying is when people criticise posts on the communities I’ve created, when they haven’t contributed at all. People want more communities, people want more content. Don’t be a dick and then criticise the content that someone has put their time and effort into sharing with you for your enjoyment! Anyway, rant over.

If anyone’s browsing this thread and looking for more (active) communities to join, there’s also !DontYouKnowWhoIAm !clevercombacks !murderedbywords and !confidently_incorrect

[-] SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk 10 points 1 year ago

I don’t know who first came up with the joke, but I really enjoy “what machine did conservatives think they were raging against, the printer?”

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