[-] Springtime@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

I had tried to participate one or two iterations ago. Each and every single pixel I tried to contribute was immediately turned into a red pixel by a bot. Took all the fun out of it.

The picture was there and it was clear where they were trying to get to, but the red dots completely destroyed it.

I had enough of it after that. It's not worth it having to wait five minutes to place one pixel just to have it instantly undone again.

[-] Springtime@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Thanks for creating the community.

You might also want to look at !women created by makeitso.

That sub had been created in response to threads that were looking for a community with a more inclusive sounding name that’s not connected with DNA :)

(Full disclosure: I’m not the creator or mod of that sub. I just want to promote it as it (still) has a less recognizable name for folks coming from r/Twox such as myself).


You might (or might not) have had a New Year's resolution, but what's your summer resolution?

Mine: Going for more hikes, camping & kayaking. And of course, staying away from reddit.


joined 2 years ago