[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago

Do you have any arguments besides calling me a lib? You've done this like 15 times.

If you have such a problem with being called a tankie, its kinda hypocritical to call me a lib. Imo.

Im not a liberal. Im an anarchist. anarchist also use this term to describe the way the USSR acted toward the Anarchists of the spainish civil war.

[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

Stop using we. And us. You are not a representative of every communist. Lol

Ive argued many times on this topic. And I found many people calling themselves communists and blindly supporting CPC and The russia federation.

Stop acting like this isnt a thing.

[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

I think your use of authoritarian is idealist nonsense

I disagree it has real implications usually the existence of a police state.

I am an anarchist . I am against police states.

China russia and the USA are all police states. They all suck. They all oppress their own people and others.

There is much nuance. But my beliefs boiled down to a sentence is this:

Fuck police States and fuck the people who support them.

[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago

Becuase he is am example of a communist I support.

People keep calling me a liberal. Im an anarchist.

[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago

Other people understood that I was being sarcastic as well.

Well you got me. Maybe im not in the mood for jokes. I am so tired of having these conversation. It makes me so sad to see people supporting these countries.

Russia and china are not examples of a good government. Neither is the usa. I feel like im taking crazy pills.

Why did you single Sankara's Burkina Faso out when speaking of exceptions to authoritarian communism

Because i know about him and agree with many things that he did. Not everything, but he didnt build an imperialst nation. He fought for literacy and nutrition and anti corruption.

He didnt build a survelence network or invade another nation to my knowledge.

He fought for his people using the principles revolutionary communism and ML. This I support.

Just like i can recognize that the CPC does provide many valuable things to it citizens . While also recognizing that they are still authoritarnian.

Rephrased: If your one exception to "authoritarian communism" is a government that was overthrown by imperialism, what does this say about the use of authority in revolutionary states?

I dont know. Im not here to tell you how sankara could of avoided assassination. But I do feel that acting like Sankara is the same as the cpc/russia in any real way is kinda absurd.

Cuba is better example of communism than cpc. Once again they have problems.

Ultimately i am an anarchist, i dont think communism is the solution long term, but i would work with communists, As long as they didnt support large authoritarian governments.

[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

I dont understand what you are saying here are you calling me racist again?

[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

Lol you used the royal "we" In your original comment.

That's why I said you people.

Your really calling me racist for that?

I will change the way I type ccp to cpc. Thanks.

[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago

Acting like china and russia did nothing wrong is ludacris. They have fucking gulags and education camps.

Denying this does nothing good for leftist movements. It weakness us as a whole because we can't have real conversation about the future of leftism.

I don't have to support every government that calls itself communist to be a leftist.

I know that liberals use the term incorrectly. That doesnt mean I cant call out blanatant red fascism when I see it.

[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 5 points 1 year ago

Nah im good. Ive seen it myself and im not interested in going back to that cesspool.

Why dont you show me an example of someone on hexbear critizing russia or ccp?

Literally one example.

[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

I dont understand what you are saying here.

Can you expand?

[-] Sprinklebump@lemm.ee 5 points 1 year ago

Im actually an anarchist. I critizes everone. Including the liberalszzzzz communistss, facists, and the corrupt american imperialsts.

What a surprize this person pull his images from hexbear.

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