[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 35 points 5 months ago

Much like that comment. Can you give a better example, or express why it's a bad example? That would bring some quality in.

[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 33 points 1 year ago

Then null will be returned, as the value of b.

[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 33 points 1 year ago

Instead Europe had a more recent and a more devastating Great War, and then another so called "World War". The former belligerents went on to form the nucleus of the later European Union, and are still the most powerful parties. Except for the UK, sadly.

I would also say, if a war from 150 years ago explains why your current day politics fail, there are most likely bigger flaws with that system than that war.

[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 35 points 1 year ago

People with poor education are poor at spotting idiotic bullshit. Also there are other factors why people believe things. We aren't that rational.

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

Die Französin Ariane Kujawski stellt ihren Landsleuten das winzige deutsche Wort „Na“ vor. Es kann so viele Bedeutungen haben:

  • Ansprache
  • Vorwurf
  • Freude
  • Ärger
  • Ungeduld
  • Resignation
  • Überraschung
  • Gleichgültigkeit
  • Unbestimmtheit
  • Na toll
  • Trost
  • Bedrohung
  • ...
[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 36 points 1 year ago

Not necessarily take, but a demilitarized zone might make sense, and that has to be put somewhere.

Like prevent troops amassing in "peaceful exercise" so they cannot surprise invade again.

[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 35 points 1 year ago

Verkehr, das ist so dumm. Stell dich mal auf eine Autobahnbrücke und beobachte. Mega viele Autos in die eine Richtung. Mega viele in die andere. Na, dämmerts? Genau, die meisten müssten gar nicht fahren, dann wären in beiden Richtungen genug Autos.

Oder Downloads: Warum muss ich immer wieder neu riesige Dateien herunterladen? Hab ich doch schon. Statt z.B. eine alte Datei zu löschen, könnte man auch einfach die 0er und 1er darin neu anordnen, das spart den Download einer neuen Datei.

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

I'm often unsure how to rate the surface quality of an inherently rough surface, like sett, paving stones or cobble stone.

Question 1: These surfaces are defined by having seams. So would it ever be right to rate them as 'seamless'?

Or should we rate them as 'seamless' when they only have the expected amount of seams? Especially cobblestone makes me wonder, which usually comes with large seams and a rough and irregular surface.

Question 2: Tactile paving for blind people. Does that make a surface rough for you? In a way, that's literally how this paving becomes tactile, right?

Question 3: A pedestrian crossing going over a traffic isle (but marked as one continuous path). Assuming otherwise perfect surfaces, does it have 'cracks' (since it goes over 4 curbs), and a 'rough surface' if it has tactile paving?

Question 4: The marked entitiy is a wide area, not a narrow path. You're asked to rate it's surface quality. The area is mostly flat and smooth, but has some cracks and potholes in a few localized spots.

Do you mark it as 'a little bumpy' because that's how it would feel if you walk/bike over the bad spots? Or do you mark it as 'perfect', because it's easy to find a way through without encountering any obstacles?

[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 33 points 1 year ago

Very similar to finding a new home.

Bonus challenge: Find a new home without a job.

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/collapse@sopuli.xyz

Video Description:

Direct Air Capture (DAC) has been getting more and more attention over the last few years. Could we avert climate change by pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere? Could we not just stop, but actually reverse the damage done? Unfortunately, most don't fully appreciate just quite how much CO2 we've emitted and the outrageous scale of the problem facing us. Today, we apply the fundamental principles of thermodynamics to question whether this is even feasible.

Written & presented by Prof. David Kipping. Edited by Jorge Casas. Fact checking by Alexandra Masegian.

Channel Description:

Space, astronomy, exoplanets, astroengineering and the search for extraterrestrial life & intelligence.

The Cool Worlds Lab, based at the Department of Astronomy, Columbia University, is a team of astronomers seeking to discover and understand alien worlds, particularly those where temperatures are cool enough for life, led by Professor David Kipping.

CHAPTERS (and key bits)

  • 0:00 Climate Change: Some CC is needed just to maintain a level.
  • 2:44 Removal Requirements: We released 37 Gt of CO~2~ in 2022.
  • 3:38 Possible Solutions: Trees are good for 4 years, then no space.
  • 5:03 Introducing DAC: IPCC estimates 20 Gt/yr @ 2050 required.
  • 5:43 Climate Anxiety: This video is sponsored by betterhelp.
  • 7:12 DAC Principles: Currently 19 DAC plants remove 10'000 tCO~2~/yr, or 0.000003% of global emissions.
  • 8:14 Scalability: Why this video focuses on physics, not economics
  • 9:29 Thermodynamics: Why DAC is a fight against entropy, introducing Gibbs. Lower limit: 120 kWh/tCO~2~
  • 12:08 Progressive DAC: Starting in 2025, remove how much and how fast?
  • 13:32 RCPs: Why 2.6 is discarded, why 4.5 is chosen (with an outlook on 8.5)
  • 15:09 Simulations: For 450 ppm, we need to scrub 20 GtCO~2~ in 2050. For 350, almost 80 Gt.
  • 17:03 Energy Requirements: 450 ppm requires 5% of global electricity. 350: 15%.
  • 19:34 Efficiency: Above numbers assumed 100% efficiency. Current estimate 5%, measured 8%.
  • 21:21 Conclusions: It's tough to do, but just possible. Easiest way: Stop emitting.
  • 24:35 Outro and credits

Original title: "Misunderstanding Your Job Description - Delivery" by Viva La Dirt League

Delivery man Byron learns some really important information about his job... that he probably should have learnt 6 years ago...

For those who don't know the show: It's important to understand that Byron is a very, very dedicated employee, who accepts any challenge, and takes great pride in his work. His colleagues sometimes don't remember him after working with him for years.

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/videos@lemmy.world


Gav plops down the high speed camera next to a rocket engine with 45,000lbs of thrust and the results are epic. Big thanks to Firefly for allowing us to film at their facility and BBC Click for letting us use their behind the scenes footage from the day.

Filmed at 2000fps

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/deutschland@feddit.de
submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/ukrainekrieg@feddit.de
[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 34 points 1 year ago

I live about 100m away from a city metro station and I love it. On my way to the station, I walk past:

  • a wellness studio
  • 3 fast food restaurants of different types
  • a bakery
  • a small supermarket
  • a hair studio
  • an ATM
  • about three other businesses which always make me wonder why they exist

Now I could have this walkable neighborhood or I could walk past six lanes of high speed traffic. And up and down the street I have more destinations to visit or I could count SUVs zooming by on a freeway!

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

RRFBs. HAWK signals. Do any of these devices actually do what they're supposed to do, and how do traffic engineers decide when and where to install them?

As a European, much of this was mind-boggling to me. While I believe all of this is real, I still found myself wondering throughout the video: Is this actually the norm in the US, or are these some cherry-picked bad examples? It felt for me like a whole other level of systemic hostility.

[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 36 points 1 year ago

"Aufgrund von Baumaßnahmen wird dieser Fahrradbügel in Kürze abgebaut.

Wir möchten Sie deshalb bitten, hier keine Fahrräder anzuschließen oder diese bis spätestens 07.09.2023 zu entfernen."

Gibt es noch mehr Kontext dazu?

Das könnte ja auch bedeuten, dass der Fahrradbügel erneuert wird. Oder dass da zwei Fahrradbügel hin kommen. Oder es bleibt ein Fahrradstellplatz, nur ohne Bügel. Quasi ein Fahrradstehplatz.

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/4938512

Länge: 12 Minuten.

Geht um Studien, deren Beweiskraft, Metastudien, und viel Zucker.

Das im Beitrag erwähnte Video von MAITHINK X gibt es auch auf Lemmy: https://feddit.de/post/389187

[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 37 points 1 year ago

Ja welchen Grund hat das nun??? Hier für meine Schwestis und Brudis, die auch eher selten den Artikel lesen:

Ab Sommer 2024 sind bei Einweg-Getränkeverpackungen innerhalb der EU nur noch Kunststoff-Verschlüsse zugelassen, die nicht mehr abgehen. Hintergrund ist, dass genau diese Getränkeverschlüsse unter den Top 5 der am häufigsten gefundenen Müll-Gegenstände waren - bei EU-weiten Müllsammelaktionen an Stränden.

Das Problem: Plastikmüll im Meer wird über die Jahre zerrieben zu Mikroplastik, das irgendwann in unserer Nahrungskette landet. Und zum anderen: Inbesondere die Plastikringe unter den Verschlusskappen sind gefährlich für Vögel. Sie können sich darin verfangen oder damit strangulieren.

Zwar werden in Deutschland sowieso schon die meisten Flaschen mit Deckel zurückgegeben oder entsorgt - aber wir verbrauchen im Jahr rund 21 Milliarden Einweg-Getränkeverpackungen. Das bedeutet: Selbst wenn nur drei oder vier Prozent der Deckel nicht zurückkommen, ist das eine große Menge.

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/technology@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/4443753

In the past 10 years or so, tech specialists have repeatedly voiced concerns that the progress of computing power will soon hit the wall. Miniaturisation has physical limits, and then what? Have we reached these limits? Is Moore’s law dead? That’s what we’ll talk about today.

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 00:53 Moore’s Law And Its Demise
  • 06:23 Current Strategies
  • 13:14 New Materials
  • 15:50 New Hardware
  • 18:58 Summary

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

Esoterik ist wieder cool. Auf TikTok erzählen einem selbsternannte Hexen von magischen Ritualen und einfachen Lösungen für komplexe Probleme. Die Gewänder sind neu, doch die Gefahren sind dieselben.

  • 00:00 - Achad, Shtaim, Shalosh!
  • 02:33 - Was versteht man unter „Esoterik”?
  • 03:40 - Die Kernelemente esoterischen Denkens
  • 06:23 - TikTok-Hexen und moderne esoterische Inhalte
  • 08:51 - „Manifestation”
  • 09:57 - Die Effektivität dieser Inhalte
  • 11:13 - Die Gefahren der Esoterik
  • 14:00 - Der Barnum-Effekt und getarnte Esoterik
  • 15:33 - Fazit

[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 33 points 1 year ago

The moon is essential for life on Earth.

Yes, but mostly by it's mass, and maybe by it's albedo. Is there anything else about the moon of relevance for life on Earth?

It's mass of 7 * 10^22^ kg is so enormous, it wouldn't make a dent if we add or remove hundreds of gigatons, which is far beyond our lifting capabilities at least for the next decades.

It's surface is so huge, we cannot affect it's albedo significantly.

So even if we approached the moon as a mere profit to be exploited, maximizing output and disregarding any concerns, how could this be detrimental to life on Earth?

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemm.ee to c/collapse@sopuli.xyz

cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/1282318

Ultimately, the progress we have made should encourage us that progress is possible, but the large and growing gap between where we are headed today and what is needed to limit warming to well-below 2C means that we need to double down and light a (carbon-free) fire under policymakers to ratchet up emissions reductions over the next decade. Flattening the curve of global emissions is only the first step in a long road to get it all the way down to zero.

[-] Spzi@lemm.ee 36 points 2 years ago

Konkret müssen Brandmauern errichtet werden, die man nicht wieder einreißen darf. Wenn die Junge Union Sonneberg dem AfD-Kandidaten gratuliert und sagt, wir brauchen jetzt ideologiefreie Sacharbeit, ist es das Einreißen der Brandmauer – genau das, was die Faschisten wollen. Alle De­mo­kra­t*in­nen müssen zusammen stehen und sagen: Na gut, wenn die 30, 40 oder 50 Prozent haben, müssen wir die andere Seite sein. Wir müssen sie ausschließen. [...]

-- Tja, und wer erklärt das jetzt der CDU, die weiter rechten Kulturkampf betreibt?

Wenn Merz als Schlussfolgerung aus dem Sonneberg-Desaster die Grünen als Hauptfeind in den Mittelpunkt stellt, bestätigt das genau das Treiben der AfD. Es ist, ganz nüchtern betrachtet, politisch-strategisch ein absoluter Fehler. Hat der keine Berater?


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