[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 9 points 3 hours ago

You know this already, but the variety of jobs you can do with that RN is insane. If you don't like the type of nursing your doing, switch to a different one. Look to admin, informatics, etc if you're wanting more of an office job vs patient care.

Consider the direction the medical field is going, too: boomers are finally starting to retire, and as they phase deeper into the geriatric stage of life, they're going to need more and more care. This means the supply end of nursing is going to turn down a notch, and the demand end is going to absolutely explode. If you're sitting on a ton of experience, you've got some fucking PRIME wage negotiation potential - I'd flex that before bailing.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago

The bean thing I don’t get

I recall that being a thing on Reddit too for a bit.. Just the internet doing its thing. People like random shit - it all gud.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Even that explanation at face value, there are a thousand options higher on the priority list than a fucking pocket knife. Like, use a dermatome blade. Or an amputation knife. Or an open edge of any of the hundred or so surgical scissors. Or dissect it open slowly with some ENT shit like a cartilage D knife or a sickle knife. Or just buzz it open with a bovie.

There are so many different ways to cut shit open in the OR using actual sterile technique (woo!). Even if ALL of their scalpels magically disappeared, that would be annoying for sure, but by no means a show stopper.

Using a pocket knife is some emergency tracheotomy out in the middle of the woods kind of shit. Like there are situations where using that would have been called for, but not in a hospital environment.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 23 points 2 days ago

Sexism, racism, and hatred based on religion or sexual orientation, mostly.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 31 points 3 days ago

Couldn't find a scalpel? In an operating room? That's a bit like walking into a grocery store and claiming you can't find the food.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

DOJ: Best I can do is drag this out until he dies of vigilantism or old age.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

...do you want another 4 years of Trump? Cuz that's how you get another 4 years of Trump.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

Might be better to replace old posts with links to the fediverse. Or since those are probably filtered "Google search 'Reddit alternatives' and look for the mouse..." or some shit like that.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 17 points 5 days ago

Ooookay grandpa. Let’s get you back to your home.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 47 points 6 days ago

To stop crime, you need one really violent day.

Yeah someone tried that at one of his rallies, but he missed.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 33 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I grew up in a rightwing household, and unquestioningly drank the koolaid until my late teens. The right's bullshit eventually became impossible to ignore, so I dove right into the 'both sides!' trap and rode the Libertarian train for a while.

It became really easy to articulate what I didn't like about the right; describing what was bad about the left was just echoes of Fox bitching about things like them voting on emotion instead of logic... but no real examples.

Around my mid-twenties I finally realized ^that was projection; then 2016 happened and holy shit they're running Trump and Hillary?? Easily the two most hated candidates in my lifetime... against Gary Johnson - an admittedly goofy personality but likeable and most importantly not crazy, THIS IS THE LP'S TIME TO SHINE! ....yeah they got 3% of the vote. We won't ever see better conditions for a 3rd victory, so, pipedream shattered.

Guess I'll have to just pick a lesser evil, so let's see what we have to work with...

  • there's the red team. Burn through our fossil resources with reckless abandon. War, war, war, and more war. Shave social services down to nothing so we can claim 'fiscal responsibility' which is good I guess (hey! eyes down here, we're done talking about the war part), a blatant integration of religion and politics, and they want to make life as miserable as possible for my gay/colored/female/nonchristian friends. Fuck, that's pretty bad...

  • Alright, next we have the blue team, which is the opposite of all those things, at the exceedingly high cost of... getting cockblocked by the red team when they try to implement those things... and... well there was that time Bill lied about getting a blowjob- outrageous! Surely the red team does a better job of keeping it in their pants... *checks* ...uhh, nope! Fuck, I'm starting to become aware of my own cognitive dissonance and it feels like absolute shit.

So I start voting one issue at a time, crunching both options against eachother and choosing the one that's best for the US. That way there's no bias and I won't be part of this tribal bullshit plagueing our politics.... Weird, when I ignore affiliation and vote on policy alone, my ballot becomes solid blue. What are the odds of that?! Next election, solid blue again. And again.

My desire to be 'independent' on label alone is pretty much gone at this point, and I'm being more and more vocal about supporting leftwing policies. Family isn't a fan, but they hit me with the shit OP is poking fun at - I only shifted blue because I'm poor! Once I make more money, just you wait and see, I'll come crawling right back.

Now, I'm not rich or anything, but I'm (finally!) not living paycheck to paycheck. During all ^that I wandered into the military which gave me access to all kinds of socialized resources which have enabled me to get where I'm at now and have made a pretty significant improvement on my life. The thing that pisses me off about those socialized services is WHY THE FUCK DOESN'T EVERYONE HAVE THIS?! So wearing camo for 4 years for some reason got me this VIP tour of what we should should be doing for everyone.

I was a late bloomer, I got there. I haven't missed a single election since 2016, big or small. Solid blue. I've gotten to the point where I'll even look up the voter registration of candidates for nonpolitical positions like judges, and red is a deal breaker.

The better off I become, the more blue I get. The notion of red-shift with income is trash.

[-] Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world 66 points 6 days ago

*abdomen bursts open and thousands of hatchlings scatter in every direction*


Made this for a comment reply to another thread; thought y'all would enjoy it too! ^_^


I visit this site probably more than I should, and when I browse, then come back a bit later to browse again, I'm seeing a LOT of repeat content.

The one and only feature I miss from that other site was being able to browse by reading a thread title to assess if its something I want to click on, if no hit 'H' to hide it, and it's gone; next one bumps up, and repeat.

So I'd skim by pressing H... H... H... H... "Ooh that one looks cool!" read the article, comment w/e, H... H... H... H... then I'd pop back in an hour later, and those threads would still be gone.

Unsure if that was a built-in feature or part of the RES thing. ...is there an RES -or- 'LES' for Lemmy?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Skip to the tldr if you don't want the novel explaining the reasoning.

A friend gifted me their old Razer Kraken headset a while ago. The leather Razer uses is some CHEAP shit, so the couple years in a closet leading up to it landing on my noggin left it in a state of deterioration that would sprinkle my head and ears with little bits of black leather.

The speakers are good though, and free is free, so no complaints: I hit it with some duct tape and peeled it off repeatedly until all the leather bits were freed up - the cloth layer underneath the leather is now the outermost layer, and no more black sprinkles all over, so yay.

Unfortunately the tape pulling on the ear cushions was a bit too much for whatever adhesive Razer uses to stick em on to their mounting plate, and they pretty much just pulled off. Also no biggie - replacements are pretty cheap on Amazon, so I got a set and lived happily ever after...

...but now I've got the old mounting plates (minus the cushions) and an idea.

So... I do a lot of gaming, wife watches a lot of TV. We do this in the same room, so I pretty much always have my headset on, which blocks most TV noises from getting to me, and most gaming noises from getting to her. Works great until she says something, and all I hear is muffled gibberish until I lift a speaker off my ear and hit her with "What?".


My idea is to put... idk... something... on the mounting plate of the side facing her that's stable enough to keep the headphone in the correct position (and not pressing directly on my ear) but basically leaves the space completely open to the environment so that external sound coming from that side isn't muffled.

I'm thinking something like a plastic spiral hair tie, but with an inner diameter large enough to encircle my ear, and the spiral diameter roughly the same as the cussion, at least when its under tension against my head.

something like this:

...but ofc not just a cylindrical spring, but a donut shape. I kinda suck at photoshop, but you get the gist.

The spiral hair tie is the closest actual product I can think of to what I'm picturing, but those are far too small... ideas?

:-O (lemmy.world)

Previously I've been pretty gentle with modding that game - things like SkyUI to make it a bit more PC friendly, utility mods like the one limits soul gems to ONLY being filled with their highest tier (no more wasting a grand by filling it with a mudcrab). Also LockPick Pro to effectively skip lockpicking, cuz I hate Skyrim's (bring back Oblivion's model!)... that's kinda it.

Looking for mods that bring something new to the actual gameplay. I know there are a ton of them - what are your favorites?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

Initial scrolling of the Steam Summer Sale seems pretty lackluster, but digging through the comments sections in other threads, a few gems have stood out, and it doesn't appear we have a thread dedicated to this yet, so post what you think are the best deals here!

Not mandatory ofc, but it'd be helpful if...

  • One game per top level post, so comments stemming from it are focused on on just it.

  • Hyperlink the game title to its Store Page

  • Include both the normal and sale price / %off

  • Include a short blurb about the game - if it's one you've played before, what did you like about it? If you're diving in blind, what grabbed your attention?

Good hunt'n!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I've heard of things like Nair that make it fall out... if that was a one-and-done solution I'd be all for it, but I'm hoping for something that slows or stops it from growing.

I go clean shaven, but I get the '5 o-clock' shadow the second I put the razor down, and look homeless if I skip a day or two.

Tried growing a beard - looked alright, but the amount of product and effort I shoved into that thing was ridiculous. And it was maddeningly itchy the entire time (lasted about a year putting up with it).

I've spent the last couple years with the conclusion that hair is just annoying, and I want it gone with as little effort and expense as possible.

Kinda partial to keeping the eyebrows and lashes cuz they keep shit out of my eyes, but honestly if losing them is the cost of getting rid of the rest of it, I'd call that a fair trade.

Some initial searching shows there is a market for hair growth suppressants, but chewbaccoids like myself might not be among the target audience lol.

Anyone got a recommendation or cautionary tale?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Remember like Rooster Teeth's Red vs Blue?

Looking for something like that. Episodic use of a videogame for some light-hearted story driven cinema.

The only good modern example I can think of is Neebs Gaming's Subnautica series, but that's kind of an outlier in their channel since everything else they've done (that I've seen at least) is more of a "let's play" type of video than the kind of cinematic roleplay they do for Subnautica.

Hard to screen for quality on channels I'm not familiar with, since 99% of YouTube's gaming content is hot garbage.

Anywho, the combination of school and work is melting my brain... I don't trust my time management skills to dive back into actual gaming, but the occaisional episode to get that little half-hour-mind-vacation would be a godsend.

Thanks, all!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I just recently learned that this is a thing that exists. I've had a couple audiology tests that use these weird headphones with firm rubber balls where normally expect to see the speakers; the rubber balls sit on your temporal bone, and there's a metal bar the wraps around your head connecting them and giving them pressure to kinda squeeze your head.

The sound experience was pretty wild - my ears were completely open, so I could still hear ambient noises, but the sounds from the headphones were just kinda there... like it didn't sound like they were coming from anywhere, but like beamed directly into my brain.

I was curious if these were exclusive for audiology testing or if there were commercial variants for listening to music and such... hit the ol' search engine, and lo and behold: there are actually quite a few commercial variants!

- TLDR -

Anywho, I'm intrigued as hell, and am curious if anyone here has experience with bone conduction headphones. Lots of questions:

Which brand/model are you using?

How's the sound quality?

How's the sound leak?

What kind of music do you use it to listen to? (my poison of choice is symphonic metal, with emphasis on the symphonic bits -- looking for that full range hit everything from the flutes to the howler monkeys :P)

Are they comfortable to wear? For how long?

Do you get any skin irritation or even breakdown where it contacts your temple?

Does the hook part wrap around your ears without any pressure points?

Does the behind-the-head band bounce around when you're walking or running?

How much space is between the band and the back of your head/neck? (I think my noggin is a bit on the smaller side, and I have basically no hair... one of the manufacturers makes one with a smaller sized band, which might be a good selling point for me)

How's the battery life?

How long have you had it?

When do you use it? (working out, at work, etc)

Do they stay put, or do you need to reposition them frequently?

Anything else to comment on?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world to c/imageai@sh.itjust.works

Idk if this is the work of AI, or just a 3D artist who didn't get very good instructions for their commission.

At first glance: nothing special, just a collection of random instruments; but when you start to dissect it under the lens of a surgical tech (the target audience for this image) it just gets worse and worse.

So let's dissect it!

First off, that isn't even a surgical backtable - it appears to be on some kind of supply cart, with a raised lip around the edges, and random rectangular holes for handles that have folded sheet metal along the edge. Technically you could throw an impervious drape of that and it'd be fine, but you generally don't see surfaces made to support a sterile field with raised edges that go above the field. The folded sheet metal is also a no-no, as the grooves around it collect and breed the hell out of bacteria.

None of it's draped. There's that greenish material under the tray and instruments, but stops short of the edges of the cart, so there's some REALLY high contamination potential going on there. You could get away with a field like that in dental (which is just 'clean' vs sterile), but again, this wasn't sent for a dental tech position.

Instruments from left to right, we're looking at:

  1. a scalpel that's for some reason separate from all the other sharps in the kidney basin.

  2. looks like a tissue forcep - that actually checks out.

  3. ...the only times I've seen a forcep like have been in ortho sets that have a lot of plates and screws - those forceps are to grab the tiny screws from their caddy, cuz they're hard to get your fingers around, and normal forceps tend to 'slip' around the head of the screw and send it flying across the OR.

  4. that's a sponge forcep, but the end is bent in a really odd way; and it doesn't have a ratchet lock, which isn't unheard of, but definitely not common for a sponge forcep.

  5. Dental explorer, which checks out with the whole not-really-sterile thing; except if it was a dental setup there'd be a lot more dental instruments.

  6. Fuck if I know. Doesn't help that the resolution isn't great, but the operative ends kind of look flat. Bowel clamps are shaped like that, but that is DEFINITELY not an open-belly setup lol. Also - the ringed end where your fingers would go is closed all the way, but the operational end is still open. If a real instrument looks like that, then it's damaged as fuck and needs to be thrown away.

  7. Either a kocher clamp or straight hemostat - hard to tell w/ shitty res. But they have have the same weirdness with the ratchet being closed w/ operation end still open.

  8. That looks like a potts scissor, which is usually for vascular surgery. Handle is janky as fuck though, and it's doing the opposite weirdness as mentioned before: it's operative end is closed all the way, but the handles are still a tad open.

  9. Mayo scissors, which are a go-to for cutting suture. Only weirdness here is the janky handle style.

...and that kidney basin in the upper right of the tray is just chock-full of WTF. So they're using it as a sharps container - that's normal, but they've got the scalpels facing one direction and needles facing the other... that's a good way to get stabbed. ALL of the sharps are resting on the edge, meaning if you bump them just right, they'll do a flip and launch off... that's a good way to get stabbed. They've got all their sharps in one spot, except for that one random scalpel on the left of the tray. Establishing a sharps zone and then not putting sharps in it... that's a good way to get stabbed. The scalpels and needles in the kidney basin all have the sharp end stuck into some gauze or something... that'll dull or bend the super fine end, reducing its effectiveness and generating snag points that'll cause a bit of unnecessary trauma. Between the three scalpels in the basin and the bonus one floating off to the left, a solid third of the instruments displayed are scalpels lol... are they doing a Wolverine cosplay in the OR?? The blades detach... you only need one scalpel handle - maybe two if you want one ready and on stand by. Also all of them are loaded with what looks like a #24 scalpel blade, which isn't very common; and is a fucking massive blade... I could see wanting ONE of those for something like an emergency C-section when you need to rip that skin open fucking NOW, but 4 of those monsters set up with an otherwise tiny collection of instruments? lol no. Those two syringes aren't capped, which is a good way to get stabbed; or labeled, which is a good way mix up your local anesthetic with something that could cause excruciating pain.

...there's just so much wrong with this image it's comical. I can't believe a fucking hospital would choose this over the millions of OR photos already floating around the web lol.

That was a fun rant to type up. If you actually read that wall of text, hope you got a kick out of it lol!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I played WoW a bit after its initial release through the first couple xpacs. Getting the MMO itch again, but I know the WoW I grew up with doesn't really exist anymore, so now I'm pretty out of touch.

For those of you playing / recently played an MMO, which one? How's the community? How's the lore? Gameplay in pve/pvp/rvr?


I find that I'm seeing the same conversations dominating the front pages of all, hot, etc if I log in more than a few times per day.

Would really like a way to hide threads, so that once I've read them, I can remove it from my feed. Bonus points of there's a way to keybind it.

One of the only features I find myself missing from that other site.

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