You tried...
I'm American but work on transportation where 24hr clock is...sort of the standard.
I prefer 24hr and use it on all my devices, but outside work I pretty much exclusively communicate with 12 hr. No point in using wording I know is gonna be misunderstood when I can comfortably swap between the two.
Nothing in practical terms here. Range is irrelevant, this guy isn't shooting people from 800 yards away. Power is largely irrelevant...somewhat more trauma from a bullet wound in certain circumstances.
When talking about walking around murdering people the caliber of the rifle isn't important in the slightest. It's a rifle round, that's all you really need to know.
I work 3 days a week neither?
Yeah but see if you stock the grocery store shelves, you're profiting off the hard work of the people who actually made the you're scum!
Haha, you think I'm gonna defend nazis? Nah, they were worse than the soviets, but not by much. You tankied are about equivalent to neo nazis in my book
Imagine being proud of a t34. Oof
You completely missed the point, which is standard.
Apple is truck.
See? I can also spew nonsense.
This is a 5th grade understanding of the 1st amendment. Good job, now let's work on the adult one.
As it turns out it's much more effecient to mass murder people at relatively close range than stupidly trying to take long range skill shots, so being afraid of boogy man sniper isn't really a thing.