I feel like this is all a given. How they're legally able to proceed with human testing is just baffling to me.
Trump ordered to not commit crimes. Got it
So you just don't know what propaganda is, got it.
I think you might be using too broad a definition of propaganda. The result of influencing opinion does not make something propaganda. Propaganda needs some intent to persuade or push an agenda.
The article might be propaganda, largely that depends on the motivations for writing and publishing it. But the fact that the content of the article might change people's opinions does not make it propaganda.
....are your arms and legs the same length!?
ITT: people who can't understand the difference between doing something good and being good.
Of course there are plenty of billionaires who have done good things, and pointing out all the ways they are still a shit person doesn't change that. Shitty people occasionally do good things, even if for shitty reasons.
You can't legally shoot someone for entering your yard...thats why he's on trial.
I'm with you. Barely notice the changes in graphics, just the increasing of my gpu fan speeds over the years.
I'm more interested in games that graphics that look good enough, but do more interesting things with the extra horsepower we have these days.
A big reminder to how far Bioware has fallen
Sounds like a recipe to stir up religious backlash on insert group here for driving god away
That was about the dumbest thing you could have replied with. Impressive.
I've been vaping for 10 years and you're kidding me with this right? Of course it's not good for you.