Emerson said it was his first time taking mushrooms”. ya fkn right, ill take lies for $500 Alex. Who does magic mushrooms on a plane for their first time, spoiler, no one.
cp2077 is so fkn good
thoughts and prayers
this is the matrix
this is pretty damn clean by todays standards
if she died while serving and not retired thats a bit too long
problem is planned obselescence.. dont buy it? fine.. a few more years we will do it for you to by dropping support for the one you are using
some of those say they came directly from mr.trump himself /s
It would be cheaper to rent a hotel room than pay for 8 hours of airport parking
This is soo old that's how they would ddos clan leaders and shot callers back in the acheage days
joined 1 year ago
another great video by kitboga