[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago

A few years back my family and I went to my cousins wedding a few states away, we decided on driving rather than flying due to covid airfare prices. So it was my mom, dad, brother, niece, and myself. My brother and I were both in our late twenties at this point in time so it was kinda weirdly nostalgic.

Anyway, on our way back from the wedding, we were driving through the cornfields of Pennsylvania when we noticed a few oddly parked cars on the side of the road. It was near a stop sign so we had plenty of time to figure out what was going on. A guy on a bicycle was hit by a car and laying on his back surrounded by people on the side of the road.

My mom is a nurse so I immediately asked her if we should pull over, she thought about it for a few seconds and said no we are meeting your sister in Cleveland for dinner and we can't be late. So we kept on driving. A few minutes later, she looks back and realizes how selfish of a decision she just made right in front of my 8 year old niece, so she says we should all pray for the man. Me and my brother just looked at eachother in awe as she proceeds to recite the Hail Mary.

[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 9 points 2 months ago

No joke, back in highschool I rear-ended someone waiting in line to get in the school parking lot. The song playing was I Can't Stop by Flux Pavillion.

[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 39 points 3 months ago

I feel like most people have a feeling one way or another on this topic because it has become quite political, but the facts are the facts. Most new electric vehicle plants in the US are only working at most 50% capacity due to lack of customer demand. People can blame lack of parts and lack of workers, but one thing I know about this industry is that if people want them then they are going to keep building them regardless of circumstance.

[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago

Deep Rock Galactic. I kept wanting to toss a flare anytime I walked into a dark room.

[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago

There was this one game we occasionally played in elementary that had no name, everyone knew what we were doing that day as soon as we walked into the gym, I'll just call it islands. The gym teacher would split the class in half and put out 6 wrestling mats. Each team started on their own mats and had to traverse to the second and then the third without touching the ground. The mats were spaced about 50 feet apart and we were given a bunch of random objects like pool noodles, a wheeled dolly, a plunger, a few stepping stone rubber pads, and I'm sure some other stuff I'm not remembering.

The objective was to be the first team to get all members on the third island, if anyone touches the ground you had to go back to the first island. It was mainly a team building exercise but my favorite part was to play the pirate. I would take the dolly and plunger and scoot over to the opposing teams side of the gym and taunt them from my ship as you could not physically interfere with the enemy.

Definitely my favorite game, I still have fond memories of that.

Funny though, I have no stand out memories of an activity I hated.

[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 11 points 5 months ago

I told my direct boss today after having several conversations with IT. My boss knew of the situation but is now taking it more seriously because I told him I would not be able to log my hours next week, which came as a surprise to him, he noticed this was the first time he had to use the 2FA to get into the payroll software.

Yes, my phone is old as shit, I cracked the screen 5 years ago and it's surprisingly still waterproof. I have had this phone longer than I have had my job, they have no bearing on what cell phone I use, hell when I was hired in I didn't even use my phone for work other than phone calls. I understand my companies position as well but instead of requiring the employee's personal property to be up to their standards they should offer an alternative method.

[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 7 points 5 months ago

My company is very good at giving me and my coworkers the best available, my workstation plus my laptop are probably around $5000. That is why it is so hard for me to believe they will not reimburse me for a new phone, I have feeling they do not want to set that precedent.

I currently use a 3rd party app called DUO, previously there were several options for 2FA, txt, call, email, and push notification. Now the only options are push notification (will not work on my phone) and administrator backup code. The IT guy had mentioned the security key option, but he said they would not work on most of our desktops because they are all custom built PC's, not sure of the specifics on that one though, I might bring that up to him again. I keep saying a good invention would be a little Wifi pager device that's sole purpose is 2FA.


So recently my work, a mid sized engineering firm, decided to start upgrading their IT security. The rumor is that we have potential DOD work coming our way. Over the past few months there has been multiple company decided changes to our 2 factor authentication mobile app. I willingly installed the app on my phone over a year ago because without it I could no longer use my laptop out of office and couldn't use Microsoft teams or outlook on my phone.

So about 2 months ago my company updated the 2FA policy and because of that, my phone is no longer compliant on the basis of it being to old. The initial consequences were that I lost access to email and teams on my phone, not a big deal because I prefer not to think about work on my off hours. Fortunately, I could still use a txt message to 2FA into my laptop incase I did need to work from home.

Fast forward to last Friday, our IT director sent out an email saying they were again making changes to the 2FA policy over the weekend. Among other things, the changes included removing the txt 2FA option, meaning I could no longer access anything work related as soon as I step out of my office building. Sounds like a dream right, and a good excuse to fall back on.

Come Monday, I find out that I need to use the 2FA app to access our payroll software to fill out my timesheet, even when I am inside the office sitting at my desk. Luckily, I filled out my previous weeks timesheet on Friday. So next Monday, as far as I'm aware, I will not be able to fill out my timesheet to get paid.

My situation: I will admit I am stubborn about buying new electronics, my phone is a Samsung S8 that I bought in 2017 when it was brand new. I currently see no benefits of anything the new phones have to offer but the day my phone decides to die, I will gladly walk into a store and buy a brand new android phone. My work does not provide cell phones and has refused my request to compensate me for my work related phone usage. I have been very vocal to my manager and bosses that they cannot force me to buy a new phone just to continue doing my job efficiently, and now it seems doing my job at all. The responses I have recieved were very indirect and not at all helpful to my situation. Really, I just want them to give me an ultimatum or some other option. I am not willing to lose my job over this but I dont want to give in and buy a new phone just so I can click OK on an 2FA app.

So Lemmy, how should I approach this ticking time bomb?

[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 19 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Our hiring manager just flat out sucks at his job, rarely ever see him interviewing people and I know of several coworkers who have dropped their friends resumes on his desk and he never follows up with these recommendations. One of his main jobs is to keep in contact with our student co-ops and let them know their start dates after each semester, he doesn't reach out to them and actually dodges their calls. Now here is the real shocker, he is untouchable because he is the former owners son.

So, I noticed the past few months he's been interviewing a lot more than the past few years, pretty obvious because he gives a building tour after each interview. I was talking to my secretary about it and she told me he got a real ass chewing because current ownership found out, after the fact, that his request to work from home ALL OF DECEMBER was actually a request to work from my vacation house in Florida, dudes barely older than I am and he just lives life on easy mode.

Edit: Hope you see this, Fuck you Kyle!

[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 11 points 7 months ago

I guess I'll just jump into the nearest body of water, even better if it's at night.

[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 12 points 7 months ago

This happened to me but with the God of War Valhalla DLC. Like I know the game is not that hard but there is a natural progression through the game of unlocking new skills and weapons. The DLC starts you off with everything unlocked and there are so many combo moves, it doesn't help that you have to really conserve health through the whole thing.

[-] TheDarkestShark@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Could be darker, if you ask me.

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