[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 1 points 6 months ago

As well you should have been. If you can't see how this is problematic then I truly think you should sell professional help. You are not the morally justified party in this scenario.

[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago

My understanding is that the US has one of the most liberal immigration policies in the world. Is that not the case?

[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

What should you punish murder with? Genuinely asking. I see many who want to do away with prisons and switch to rehabilitation. In some cases I can certainly understand that, and I am against for profit prisons, but I also know that a certain portion of society is just fundementally born with dysfunctional brains and no amount of rehabilitation will ever correct that. What do you do with the person who is sadistic and sociopathic in their disdain for other human life?

[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 18 points 9 months ago

It isn't CIA propaganda. They quite literally welded people into their houses during COVID, there's video of them doing it. They then absolutely decimated Hong Kong, making countless protestors disappear. There's obviously the whole situation where they use mass slave labor of the Uyghur Muslims. There's the constant lies the CCP spews that are demonstrably false (we're talking North Korea levels of laughable propaganda). There's their blatant theft of intellectual property with government support along with the global corporate espionage. There's the horrible working conditions, with companies needing suicide nets around the buildings to prevent workers from jumping. There's the laughable safety issues with various engineering projects that when they fail are swept under the rug. The list goes on and on. China has an interesting and impressive history, but China under the CCP is absolute dog shit.

[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Yeah, the problem is those "other people" didn't face any actual consequences because their cause was an emotional response to racial injustice or some such nonsense. Crime is crime and should be punished as such. I don't give a shit if you think it was justified.

I'd like to also add this story in which rioters set fire to multiple buildings in close proximity to the White House and faced zero consequences because it was a "peaceful protest" rather than an "insurrection".

[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 1 points 9 months ago

The world IS bigger than Seattle, I agree. That being said, Seattle is a key US city, and as such what happens there has cultural and political ramifications for our country as a whole. The fact that you are either dismissing and/or not aware of what happened there is a little troubling and makes me question your qualifications to hold an opinion on the matter.

As for the obviously hyperbolic claim that "whole cities were burned down", that's absurd. As someone who lives very near Los Angeles, I can tell you that there absolutely was widespread looting, vandalism, protests/riots, and violence. This was not localized and spread both into Orange County as well as the Inland Empire. I know this because 1. I saw it with my own eyes, and 2. I had multiple clients reach out to me and reschedule because they needed to shutter their businesses and board up their store fronts with plywood to prevent them from being smashed and looted.

Since we're sharing articles, how about this one that talks about two individuals who burned down a Wendy's. Both individuals pleaded guilty of 1st degree arson and as a result got a slap on the wrist ($500 fine and 150 hours of community service). Explain to me how that's even remotely a reasonable punishment for burning down a building...

[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

So now you're mental health shaming? I thought progressives were supposed to be compassionate and nonjudgmental. You're really letting the ideology down.

[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

You clearly missed the point, but what can I expect...?

I have no issue whatsoever with you bashing my side. What I DO have an issue with is you bashing my side and then staying uncharacteristically quiet as your side does the same thing. Selective outrage is hypocritical and disingenuous. Even your response here illustrates to me that you aren't willing to suck up your pride and be honest. Rather than focus on the specifics of what I've said you ignore it and attack me personally.

I would never consider Trump my guy. That being said I think he was treated unfairly by the media and those like yourself. Y'all spent 4 years claiming he was a Russian Manchurian candidate, that he would clearly start world war 3, that he would imprison his political opponents, and on and on. The sick part is Biden has come much closer to many of those accusations than Trump did and you STILL carry water for him. You should be ashamed.

[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago

You absolutely should have that right. What is the issue?

[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 20 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I too was experiencing this. It was laughably bad. I then disabled 5G and all my issues disappeared. 4G is plenty fast enough and in my area has far better coverage. I truly don't see the point of 5G and the toll it takes on my battery.

[-] TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.world 17 points 1 year ago

They also purposely build their devices in such a way that they often can't be economically repaired, necessitating a repurchase. Check out Louis Rossman on YouTube, he owns a repair shop and rants about it all the time.

Has this been confirmed or is this speculation?

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