[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 2 points 4 days ago

Good on you! I bet that is actually working out great. I should try something similar with another account.

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 3 points 4 days ago

Preventing someone from gaining power who will continue genocide

There could not be a candidate this describes more than Harris. You know, from the Biden-Harris administration behind the genocide happening right now. The one supplying bombs to burn refugee children alive. Have you heard their screams?

I am told Democratic voters are empathetic and strategic. But all I see is racist normalization of genocide and toeing the party line.

find new targets for genocide

That's a Dem specialty! They have a knack for stoking and supporting genocides. Heck, Obama got one started in Yemen. Even NGOs were saying a vhikd was killed every minute for years by this. Why do you think they are so resilient and steadfast against this genocide and Western attempts to free up Zionist shipping lanes? Did you even know what was done to Yemen?

and turn the country into a dictatorship?

Given that the current "system" has you shilling for genocide you should already question whether you live in a democracy.

Though all of this lesser evilism is also premised on nobody remembering that Trump was already president for 4 years and it was basically the same shot as under Biden. In fact, Biden came in from the right, normalizing the pandemic and slashing benefits for the public, then did the usual, "I'm just a widdle president I can't do nothin'" act when the SC overturned Roe v. Wade. Ah, but now that there is a genocide to support, unlimited billions for Israel, don't worry he can bypass Congress. Do you see how the system functions? Do you feel enfranchised? How much less enfranchised were you under Trump?

They're on the same team. Why do you think Harris' team is celebrate endorsements from Republican war criminals? A human that cared would spit in their faces and announce charges. You are not provided with such an option for your mainstream party "choices". They laugh at their committed voters, I've seen it in person.

Choosing the lesser of two evils is the way it works. If you want the greater of two evils then it’s your choice to not participate.

No, that's the way you are told it works by your masters so that you work for them instead of against them. You'll notice that I am not voting for any genociders. Did I break reality!? Or just deviate from a focus group-tested party talking point?

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 4 points 5 days ago

Given that I oppose Trump and am not voting for him, it requires a bit of dishonesty and mental gymnastics to call me a Trump supporter.

Please do your best to engage in good faith and directly address what I say. Sometimes we internalize the logic of our oppressors and this can lead to incorrect actions and prevent having the right positions and coherent solidarity with others. I think that is what is happening here.

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 6 points 5 days ago

I am choosing neither so obviously this argument is not true.

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 4 points 5 days ago

Hitler talked about helping the "Volk" while supporting the system that kept them subservient to capital. The analogy here is not exact, but Democrat politicians are not exactly real trans advocates even if individuals sometimes are. He'll they allow big, loud transphobes to have plenty of voice in their party, they are courtkng Republicans, lauding endorsements from reactionary war criminals. As in the UK, trans people are on th3 chopping block of this faux-progressive party and it is extraparty advocacy that really keeps things afloat.

Work locally to support trans people. Build mutual aid networks, build groups that do direct action, make unions pro-trans, protect events that normalize being trans. Kamala Harris isn't doing shot for trans people except appropriation and a smile while yelling you that the naked transohkbia rampant in the party and everyday life is just the price you pay for freedom: or else.

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 6 points 5 days ago

So long as the resistance fights it is certainly backfiring in that way. Though I forgot to mention that Zionist settlers never really planned to establish two states, they wanted an expansionist status quo and are getting it. But if they ever actually advocated for two states and worked on it, it would be as Bantustans. Zionists could never tolerate Palestinians as equal neighbors on "their" land.

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 5 points 5 days ago

Bourgeois democracy is incapable of substantially opposing capitalism, the capitalists will just pull a capital strike and hire thugs and PR people etc etc. Countries that voted in socialists found themselves, and particularly their left parties, under terrorist attacks and faced coups. Some outright banned anticapitalist parties. If you do not organize and arm yourselves, you will simply get murdered en masse.

But if alternative voting systems inspire you, I do encourage you to get involved IRL in organizing efforts. This will teach you a subset of organizing skills that are more widely applicable. You will get to see the patterns of your opponents, too. Of our opponents.

But I also recommend reading widely and critically, to challenge yourself with the material histories of left organizing and, even more importantly, its failures. Who fought us. Who won. What is GLADIO. Who is Suharto. What happened to Allende and why. What happened to the pan-Africanists, the pan-Arabs. Why is the US left so anemic? Why are the European "communist" parties so liberal? Etc etc.

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 5 points 5 days ago

Cherry picking a single detail out of a complex situation doesn’t suddenly make it a simple situation.

Is it a "detail" that fails to include very important context (none of which you can seemingly specify) or is it genocide, something with so much weight that you are afraid to even mention it despite my repeated reminders that it is the topic here?

One of the challenges of evasive and bad faith behavior is that the little quips and pretenses can easily become inconsistent.

Anyways, the actual topic is pretty straightforward. There is a genocide. You should not support those perpetrating it and should instead work against them. So far, you have offered no rebuttal to this outside of straw men and vagaries and posturing.

That is logically fallacious. As is the rest of your argument, which is based on that logical fallacy.

Parrots can repeat many phrases they hear, but they don't understand their meaning.

Logical fallacies are a set of ways a person can make errors in thinking. The whole point of them is that some nerds thought they were common or important enough to deserve a name. Reflexively accusing me of logical fallacies without naming any, right after I explained how you were using one? Obviously schoolyard "I'm rubber you're gkue" pantomiming. No understanding, no applicability, just defensive posturing.

And blaming me using disinformation

What disinformation? What did I blame you for?

because I pointed out the fact that your argument is both fallacious and nonsensical, does not make you right either.

Can you tell me when I said or implied, "when I use disinformation against you it means I'm right"? I think you are very confused in both thought and language at this point. You're relying on quips and phrases that simply do not apply.

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 6 points 5 days ago

It is not a complex issue. There is a genocide and there are increasing calls to support those genociders electorally. Instead of supporting genociders, you should oppose them.

Liberals call "issues" complex in order to speak euphemistically about the horrible things they support. They do not actually have an understanding of the alleged complexity, it is just a lazy thought-terminating cliché. When you do understand something, you can discuss it directly. At the moment, you are apparently more afraid of using the word genocide than actually being complicut in it yourself. Is this the "complexity" you are referring to? Your personal discomfort? I suspect so.

Unless you’d like to explain how it does…

Being consistently against genocide is the first step towards actually fighting against it. I have set the bar very low. Can you clear it?

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 5 points 5 days ago

To emphasize that the Zionist entity is an illegitimate occupying force.

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 14 points 6 days ago

Yes as in genocide is bad and should be opposed. Something that you would think would be the baseline but clearly is not among mainstream liberals.

[-] TheOubliette@lemmy.ml 15 points 6 days ago

Biden is at the vanguard of this genocide and Kamala is at his side.

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