I don't care about recording my data, I am behind literally seven thousand shoe0nheads, but I always used an spare account to watch YT with and I really cared about it and I 'furnished' it and

get this, since I understand ML shit a bit, I read state-of-art papers on recommender systems not to design my own recommender system, but to train Youtube's recommender system to my whim. And then I realized I'm being extremely special-needs and I nuked it all. And I turn it off-and-on as I go. Seriously have you ever met someone who's obsessed with YT's recommender system as a watcher? Damn!

[-] TheRealAryan@lemmy.world -2 points 4 months ago

I think you meant blacklisting, but yeah. This is the scummy thing 4chan does. I remember ages ago, people told moot to block datacenter IPs. This was at the height of 'Surgeon Spamming'. I am not going to tell you what Surgeon Spamming is, just know that, I downloaded one of those files. And I deleted it. It's not 'illegal' here, selling 'all' kinds of it is illegal but owning 'all' kinds of it is not an issue. But some of 'it' is just inhumane. It caused me mental scarring. Fuck moot for making this website. Anyways, moot did not block datacenter IPs, and instead added reCaptcha. About 4-5 years later, he himself blocked all datacenter IPs on top of captcha. I cannot post on 4chan without shelling 20 bucks, and it's not a privilege that deserves more than a peanut butter sandwch covered in cum. These two websites block datacenter IPs for nothing but profit-seeking. Honestly, don't google Surgeon Spam in archives. Some of those links, believe it or not, works.


It tells me I have to register to view posts! It has blocked all my VPS IPs. From random places:

  • Turkey
  • India
  • Germany
  • That Asian country that is very 'western', I have forgotten its name

So what's the reason? Is this because of scraping? Seems random. If the IP is from India, we could say, well, they don't want scammers. Turkey, not sure. But Germany?

I know datacenters have an IP range, and they could ban all IPs from all datacenters. But why?

And the issue is, when you register, and post, you suddenly find yourself shadow-banned! I did not even made a bad post or anything.

Where do I get a quality IP that Reddit has not blocked?

[-] TheRealAryan@lemmy.world -1 points 4 months ago

Bookmark this page: https://www.tgju.org/profile/price_dollar_rl

Price of IRR <-> USD

It's currently 595,000.

PeasantScript function to convert digits, run in browser console:

function per2Lat(input) {
  var persianDigits = ['٠', '١', '٢', '٣', '٤', '٥', '٦', '٧', '٨', '٩'];
  var latinDigits = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'];
  var result = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
    var index = persianDigits.indexOf(input[i]);
    if (index !== -1) {
      result += latinDigits[index];
    } else {
      result += input[i];
  return result;

// example -> per2Lat('۵۹۹۵۰۰')
[-] TheRealAryan@lemmy.world 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Just use the term 'crash' already dammit. The hell is 'land harshly'? I have never heard this term in my life.

Also this is not worth mentioning, IRNN is showing organized prayers in Iran's Buddhist shrines (most importantly, famous Budhhist figures 'Musa ben Reza' and his sister, 'Masoumeh') for 'safety of the president'. My thinking is, they are trying to use this 'saaneheh' to proselytize Islam. Iranians are Buddhist and there's an internal struggle between the state (who are Muslim) and the people (who are Buddhists).

[-] TheRealAryan@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago

If you're wondering wth 'The Red Crescent' is, it's just The Halal version of The Red Cross. I think they are cohorts. They work together. The fact that The Red Cross has to go find the carcass of your fucking president instead of an internal rescue organization is pathetic. I mean there is one (the 'Emdaad', who once took 40 minutes to come rescue a hiker who had an accident in a peak that is

I swear, is in the middle of the city, like, it's more like a theme park than a mountain).

[-] TheRealAryan@lemmy.world 0 points 4 months ago

Theory: Jehovah did this. Iranians should go back to worshipping the Indo-European skyfather. The Arabic/Jewish 'The God' aka Jehovah/YHWH is just bad news. Indo-European Skyfather is a very kind deity.

(Joking, of course, we all know the only deity who exists in reality is Beelzebab).


joined 4 months ago