[-] The_v@lemmy.world 39 points 8 hours ago

Firing middle managers is a fun way to kill the company. Not that cleaning house is a bad idea. Unfortunately the people making decisions of who to keep and who to let go are usually idiots.

Middle Managers are promoted for two reasons: technical expertise and ass-kissing expertise. Now the technical experts tend to not mix well with incompetent parasitic c-suite types idiots. The ass-kissers are beloved by the c-suite as that is their only role in life.

So when firings come around guess who they get rid of? Then 1-3 years later everyone is shocked when everything starts to fall apart.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 3 points 12 hours ago

They likely primarily act as a signal relay for other drones. We've seen some videos of FPS drones attacking artillery and ammo storage. These are likely many miles behind the enemy lines. Well out of line-of-sight for a ground based platform.

Trying to detect a small drone at high altitudes has got to be close to impossible for radar systems.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

LMAO. I did have some fun making this one up. Like any good but fiction it's a mixture of facts and fabrications to make it believable.

Well...spit... growing up on the ranch we had between 13 to 18 horses around all the time. Everything from Arabians to some workhorses.

100% true. I even sent a nice loogie to get into character.

Now we only shoed them in late summer for the fall when we were working cattle.

Partially true - we shoed them in late summer as it was our pack train for guided hunts etc. we only used the 3 quarter horses to work cattle with. Those we kept shoed year round.

Now swimming is an interesting topic. During the hot days in the summer we would hop on a few hoses bareback and race across in the ponds.

Fabrication. The ponds were all spring fed and came out of the ground at 40F. The ponds held a 50F temperature all summer. Nobody swam in them other than a few dares. We did stock them with trout.

You would think the massive workhorses with their oversized hooves would win. Poweful, strong animals with big flippers on the bottom. Unfortunately they were the slowest in the water. They were stiff and inflexible, dumb and slow. They tended to swim a few feet, decide it was too much work, turn around and find some nice grass to eat.

This is one of my better fabrications. I used the personality of the Belgium's we had. They were slow and powerful and always eating. However I never once saw them swim. We used them for trail clearing and pack horses in the woods.

Now the Arabians with the smaller stature and dainty little hooves were by far the fastest in the water. The fastest was horse named ugly. He was a swayed back ill tempered little guy with a massive chip on his shoulder. He just had to be first everywhere. He was almost as vicious as the Spawn of Satan aka "Shetland pony". Now Spawn of Satan didn't like the water because brimstone and water don't go together so we never got him to swim.

Mix of fabrication and truth. Ugly was an smaller appaloosa whose name started out as chief. So we called him Chief Ugly then just Ugly. The Spawn of Satan was really called "Cookie" but if you know anything ponies the Spawn of Satan is more apt.

What's curious is after they were shod and their hoofs trimmed down, they all seemed a wee bit faster. I guess the smaller hoof works better for their swimming mechanism.

Total bullshit. I have no idea what makes a horse swim faster or not.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 46 points 2 days ago

Well...spit... growing up on the ranch we had between 13 to 18 horses around all the time. Everything from Arabians to some workhorses.

Now we only shoed them in late summer for the fall when we were working cattle.

Now swimming is an interesting topic. During the hot days in the summer we would hop on a few hoses bareback and race across in the ponds.

You would think the massive workhorses with their oversized hooves would win. Poweful, strong animals with big flippers on the bottom. Unfortunately they were the slowest in the water. They were stiff and inflexible, dumb and slow. They tended to swim a few feet, decide it was too much work, turn around and find some nice grass to eat.

Now the Arabians with the smaller stature and dainty little hooves were by far the fastest in the water. The fastest was horse named ugly. He was a swayed back ill tempered little guy with a massive chip on his shoulder. He just had to be first everywhere. He was almost as vicious as the Spawn of Satan aka "Shetland pony". Now Spawn of Satan didn't like the water because brimstone and water don't go together so we never got him to swim.

What's curious is after they were shod and their hoofs trimmed down, they all seemed a wee bit faster. I guess the smaller hoof works better for their swimming mechanism.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

All fully armed and ready to launch.

Judging by how the rest of the crew scattered except the guy doing the launching, this isn't the first time they have come under fire during a launch.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

It's probably an effective way to light a car on fire.

At the base of the windshield is a water collection and drain system. This is usually all plastic and flammable. It also drains down to the ground.

So the primary point of ignition is the drain tray. The flames on the ground might catch some parts of the engine compartment on fire as well.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago

I imagine it's routine to drop things that explode before ramming the drone from above.

So I am guessing a lot.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 150 points 1 week ago

They also need to remove the limited liability from companies for intentional illegal activities.

illegal business practices should be charged to the people involved instead of the company. The executives who made the decision to break the law lose personal assets.

Otherwise the shitheads just pass the company losses onto the employees: no raises, hiring freezes, layoffs, reduction in benefits, etc...

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 79 points 7 months ago

The partial payment wasn't large enough if it left you wrecked at the end. Generally the partial payment should pre-pay to cover all of your expenses and labor. The final payment is the profit margin. That way you are never on the hook for a potential loss and will always break even.

So for the bakery, they should have had a full prepay policy on all special orders. Even if "customers" walked away because of the policy.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 73 points 10 months ago

The Mormon church is not setup into separate regional entities like that catholics have done. Their billions are all vulnerable to lawsuits. Instead they have a pet lawfirm that often recommends illegal and unethical practices to squash lawsuits. If the case looks to be going badly they toss higher and higher settlement numbers to get out of it. They do not want to go through discovery and have to disclose exactly how much money they have (est. several hundred billion)It's been an extremely effective solution so far.

For example: At one point they made up more than 50% of the boyscouts. They had less checks and protocols for keeping pedophile's out. They completely dodged all the large lawsuits because they were much better at hiding the horrendous amount of abuse.

The Mormon owned universities have rampant sexual assault issues. You rarely see them reported because the victims are punished for coming forward. The university police force is used to suppress these reports as well.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 82 points 1 year ago

That's the right Brock Turner who was sentenced to 6 months and was released after 3 months. Judge Aaron Persky thought a longer sentence would unduly harm the rapist, Brock Allen Turner.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 132 points 1 year ago

After the rapist Brock Turner was given a slap on the wrist, California passed mandatory sentencing for rape.

He was accused of 3 rapes but convicted of 2. He received the maximum sentencing for each.

His lawyers are likely going to fight the conviction constantly until the money runs dry.

My personal thought is the conviction is unlikely to be overturned but a sentence reduction is likely. So he got the maximum sentence. Danny will likely be behind bars for at least 6-10 years for his crimes.

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