[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 13 points 1 year ago

I finished Laika : Aged through blood. An indie metroidvania / 2d bike shooter / bullet time.


It's the story of a mother in a post-apocalyptic environment having to care for her daughter and village while doing the war outside.

Everything, art, music, is a masterpiece. The music is just extremely good.

Outside of special zones, there are 20 you have to find, and it cycles between them. All 20 are voiced, with words or humming.

The story is good, and is extremely anti-war.

The gameplay feels amazing. It can be hard at first, but I quickly learned how to control the bike and and to do backflips and frontflips at the right time to reload guns and the pary.

The main character laika is one-shot, but the game isn't very punishing. The respawn points aren't too far away from each other, and they are optional. When you die, you loose a pouch with the currency, and can get it back.

There are some little issues with the game tho. The ending seems to be a bit rushed. The ending boss isn't that difficult, and there were some cuts it seems.

But overall these little issues aren't that bad, and the game is still amazing for an indie.

[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 11 points 1 year ago

Nah, the game is utter trash not the bugs. Let's look at 3 games very hyped :

  • Redfall : game had game breaking bugs and performance issues at launch. Gameplay was bad. No one played it.

  • Gollum : game had game breaking bugs and performance issues at launch. Gameplay was destroyed due to bugs. The studio closed their gaming branch.

  • Starfield : very hiped, bought by a lot of people, the game looks like 2010-15 game with some little 2023 enhancements...

Redfall and Gollum were failures. High budget failures. They most likely layed off people.

Starfield : Microsoft layed off people at the start of the year https://www.polygon.com/23561210/microsoft-layoffs-xbox-bethesda-halo-infinite-343-industries for who knows why. The game got delayed, and then it gets out very mixed due to bad exploration gameplay and no love put into population design (population characters look like 2010 or even worse).

All of these 3 games have been very hyped, with a high price, but none of their failure have anything to do with gamers "fault" and "opinion". It's all on the studios fault on not delivering something good.

[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 12 points 1 year ago

Sending the entire email content to their cloud isn't that good.

However an advantage to doing so is to be able to use push notifications on the app without having to poll continuously the email address from the device. Which in return reduces the battery usage compared to constant polling.

However, they could have done something like spark mail, only get the email subject, sender and a little bit of the content to put into the noficiation then delete after the push notificdation has been sent.

[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The Hot sort seems to show new and sligly older content, with an enphasis on new. So I just sort by hot, as the algorithm is pretty good for that.

And mostly on subscribed. All being mostly to discover other things.

For supported sort types : https://join-lemmy.org/docs/users/03-votes-and-ranking.html

[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 16 points 1 year ago

I'm using windows pro, because of hyperv, and gpu virtualisation. And I don't need that security feature.

And windows pro still have some benefits. The group policy, tho most of the changes can still be made in the registry.

[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Well it depends.

Just from the subject: are mobile photos real

(to simplify this and avoid a definitive no, well not talk about photos beeing real or not in numeric form).

Photography is a complicated topic on mobile phones, with plenty of algorithms enhancing what a tiny sensor can deliver.

  • But let's assume there is a phone and algorithm, which manages to represent a photograph as close as possible to what I see.

Are my photos real because they represent what I see at one precise point in time? Because it is what I remember something was?

Or are they not real because of the algorithms interpreting the results to make it look like I see it?

  • Now let's assume I have another phone, like a Samsung or whatever. Such phone may take a picture, but that picture is modified, there is maybe more saturation for the sky and grass, while combining multiple pictures to do HDR... And plenty of other things.

Now are these photos real?

They change what I see, but would that make them less real for you/me? How do you see your pictures?

about the article : When ai/photography manipulation is brought in the question, in order to change the first result :

  • It could slightly change colors, then I guess we could maybe comme back to above, is this interpretation real or not? More or less real?

  • It could be a modification of what and how elements appear in that picture. Here, for me, there isn't any question. The reality of the pictures are completely broken as they do not represent anymore what I could see.

[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

KBM. As I played on a keyboard and mouse since so long, I lost the usage of controllers. And whenever I have to use controlers, it's a bit of a pain. So I don't, as much as possible.

Tho in some games I tried, like elite dangerous, I had to use a controler for movement as on keyboard it was painfully slow, or too fast, but also just to be able to use most of the controls.

[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 16 points 1 year ago

Manjaro is a bit of a strange distro. It works on some setups and breaks on other. On my hp laptop, manjaro stood there without breaking for a year.

On my brother's Lenovo laptop, the distro craped itself while trying to update packages, after 2 months...

Both had aur enabled, but I had the most aur software installed. So no idea why it broke.

Since I installed fedora on his laptop, no issues for 2 years.

[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You won't need to?

The key is for a single device. Logging in on another one is going to generate another key.

They key is secured with the pin of the device, so when you try to log in, you can use the pin to log in, and not the password.


[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 17 points 1 year ago

What I remember : Startpage has been bought by an advertising company. So who knows what they could do with it.

[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You did not understood what I said lol. Don't use duckduck.com. Use duckduckgo.com

[-] Tibert@jlai.lu 10 points 1 year ago

For me, Nextdns. It's mostly because I can choose which list is used by the dns blocking. If adguard has a lost blocking what I use, I can't do anything about it. Or maybe like allow a lot of domains.

Using the Hagezi pro++ list currently and it works damn well without any issues for me.

Also, there is a free way to use it (not sure about adguard).

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