[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 11 points 2 months ago

Jesus Christ, both!! 😆 But only finger tight. Sod you bastards who get the screwdrivers out! That's overkill. 😁

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 10 points 3 months ago

CodeMaster religiously hold onto their copyrights. I remember searching for their 8bit games of the 1980s and while copies are out there, the places that do it legally, World of Spectrum for example, don't host them because CodeMasters refuse permission for these old games to be distributed for free.

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 12 points 6 months ago

13 years old, isn't it enough? 😆

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 10 points 8 months ago

I don't think they have their open official app but they offer their API free to developers I think.

I'm on Android and I've been through several TMDB apps but I don't really like any of them. I do know that Letterboxd use their API as well but that's a more social based thing.

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 13 points 8 months ago

Here's a couple I posted a while back.

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 11 points 9 months ago

These are just overpriced toy stores now. More toys than games. They haven't been a real gaming store for ages, in my opinion.

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 10 points 9 months ago

Crazy Taxi was fantastic.

Metropolis Street Racer was utterly brilliant and I remember being annoyed when I heard the sequel was going to that new Microsoft console called XBox. That was of course Project Gotham Racing.

And Rez which I love so much I bought it remastered on Xbox360, again on PS4 and one final time on Quest 2.

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 10 points 10 months ago

I loved the FMV cut scenes in Westwood Studios games. They always managed to get a minor celebrity as the games got bigger.

They also made a really good Diablo style game called Nox.

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 11 points 11 months ago

Back in the 8bit home micro days, we used to read the manuals all the time. Mainly because the games took so long to load from cassette.

I distinctly remember the Microprose manuals for their simulation games when I had a 16bit computer, I felt like I could master the real vehicle after looking through those.

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 10 points 1 year ago

His video on the special effects of Fight of the Navigator is one of the best "making of" videos I've seen. They should license it and put it on the Blu-ray, it's that good.

Flight of the Navigator | VFXcool

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 10 points 1 year ago

Keep 'em coming. Another great read thank you.

[-] UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk 10 points 1 year ago

In the UK, The Online Safety Bill is almost about to become law. Without going into the full details, the government basically wants to monitor everyone's messages to stop child pornography and protect people (and other stuff too).

The problem is, they want companies to scan messages and photos as they are uploaded and to give themselves backdoor access to E2E encryption services.

It's very likely the UK will lose access to iMessage, Signal, WhatsApp etc as they would rather withdraw their services from the UK than break their promise to their users.

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