That's got to be a joke shirt. I wonder what the front says.
Cuz why in the world would you advertise that otherwise?
That's got to be a joke shirt. I wonder what the front says.
Cuz why in the world would you advertise that otherwise?
OP, we can get you out. Just make sure the door isn't a jar!
Articles like this are not for you and me. These are written for investors.
He ownes not only multiple mansions, but also has maid and cleaning crews for each one of them.
It's a disaster. He should be crashing on his brother's couch stressing about getting a paycheck. There's no justice here.
Robot lawnmower.. Damn
When they say things like this they're not talking to regular people. They're reporting sales numbers to investors and CEOs.
"Oh, what's that? You want me to hear all redirecting cases from now on? No problem."
Don't forget they "lost" all the phone records for that day.
In my culture we invoke the ancient rune drawing of a bunch of really fast circles with the mouse.
How much money were they making off telemarketing that they were fucking banned for life from doing it and they still did it?
At the time, the FTC said that Cox was issued "a $1.1 million civil penalty that will be suspended due to his inability to pay.
Oh ok, so this fine for more money will certainly mean something...
Also running for mayor is Cody Smith, a senior vice president at the First State Bank of Uvalde. Smith previously held the post and was mayor from 2008 to 2012. Prior to being mayor, he was a member of the city council elected in 1995 and served for 12 years.
“I would come to the position with some experience,” said Smith, “[...] and then I just want to do anything I can to help this community, you know, heal and, you know, and prosper.”.
Uh you know, stuff and, uh, and things. Not for money or anything.
You'd think since companies are people they'd be thrown in jail or something.