I am an anarchist but I like Kamala as a president. To me she isn't just better than trump but also biden especially with all the climate shit she is promising. I feel like If she wins the election america might just tske a hard U turn from it's decline to fascism.
objective answer= yes but not gnu, in other words just the kernel
child labor, my favorite 😋😋😋
it is litterallyjust a windows debloater script, I used to use it before I went linux
It is generally used to reffer to men who blame women for themselves not being able to get into relationships, not everyone who isn't in a relationship
because it skips to a time where I have a new day's worth of responsibilities which sucks.
It is a fork, meaning its like ubuntu but with the bullshit that makes ubuntu bad removed. It is completly safe but if you wanna stay clear of any trace of ubuntu at all there is also a debian based version of mint
I am not a pc masterrace guy, Something as simple as online gaming getting put behind a subscription is not okay and I will not pretend it is. Console experiences are highly curated by the corporations controlling them, you don't own your device. This is mostly true for windows and mac users too. I am not a pc fan I am a console hater, and maybe a little bit of a linux cultist.
why would anyone do that though
Fr "I only tweet a couple of times a week now". It is like they do want to abandon the platforms but instead of actually doing it delude themselves into thinking they did it.
Sorry but "anti capitalist liberal"? But liberalism is capitalism
I don't wanna laugh but 😭😭😭